Has anyone co-hosted outside their place of operation?


Has anyone co-hosted outside their place of operation?

Hello, I am a recent superhost from India. I have 3 listings in Goa that I am managing solely [rental arbitrage]. Now I want to expand to other cities/countries but want to get a sense of the market first by cohosting.


Has anyone co-hosted outside their place of operation? How do you go about it? How to reach out to people.

I am looking to co-host in either or 2 of:

- Bali
- Dubai
- Sydney
- Phuket


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1 Best Answer
Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

You need to carry out your market research and put together a marketing strategy to identify how best to reach hosts who are your target market who you believe would be open to having a remote cohost @Preksha2 


The majority will obviously prefer hands on cohosts who can be there in an emergency, to manage cleaners etc

View Best Answer in original post

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

You need to carry out your market research and put together a marketing strategy to identify how best to reach hosts who are your target market who you believe would be open to having a remote cohost @Preksha2 


The majority will obviously prefer hands on cohosts who can be there in an emergency, to manage cleaners etc

Sure makes sense Thanks @Helen3 🙂

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Preksha2, hope everything is going well with your co-hosting journey! 😊 I just wanted to let you know that I've added an @tag to your comment so that Helen receives a notification of your comment (see example where I tag my own name @Quincy


Good luck!





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