Hello,I am a host providing services through Airbnb, and I w...
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Hello,I am a host providing services through Airbnb, and I would like to share the serious issue I have encountered. Despite ...
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@Henry431 @Ria16 @Laura3135 @Kerry358 @David-and-Gregory0 @Christina1132 @Marg11 @Celia302 @Laura2484 @newzealand @ria16 @abbie-and-simono @rebecca373@Jennifer2169 @Helen427
Kia ora fellow Kiwi hosts. Each time I try to reply to the community thread on the new Covid instructions re social distancing and face mask wearing when interacting with guests I am faced with an error message and my post disappears. I am including the CEO of Airbnb on this message. I find it strange that China is the only country to be given an exemption from this rule (given it has been suggested that this pandemic began in that country). There are many reasons why NZ should be exempt from this part of the Airbnb Covid response which many other hosts have already stated.
NZ’s response to Covid means that the chance of community transmission while it does exist, remains very low due to our strict border rules including managed isolation for those who enter NZ. Also, if you look at the number of cases we have had and our government’s response to these, I believe is reason enough for an exemption. We are at alert level 1. We are fortunate to be able to go about our everyday lives with minimal impact from Covid, unlike many other parts of the globe.
I operate 2 listings in a shared home in Hastings, NZ. Thanks @Jeniffer2169 for your wording which I have modified slightly. I will be placing this on both my listings and as such will not be agreeing to the rule by 20th November. I would like to stay on the Airbnb platform as until now have not had any issues since I began hosting over 3 years ago.
Under the current situation with COVID you can expect me to abide by the NZ Health Board's standards and recommendations when interacting with you.
While NZ does not have community transmission I will not be wearing a mask or practising social distance in my own home as per AIRBnB's direction. It is your choice if you prefer to do so when interacting with me.
Kia Kaha fellow Kiwi Airbnb hosts. We need to stick together after all we are a part of Aoetaoroa’s team of 5 million.
"Each time I try to reply to the community thread on the new Covid instructions re social distancing and face mask wearing when interacting with guests I am faced with an error message and my post disappears."
It is most likeley a technical issue, or you are not logged-in or you include items which the software marks as invalid HTML (clicking on "reply" again mostly solves it). So do not think your contribution is "removed on purpose", i also reply a lot on posts about the rediculous "ckeaning protocol thing" and never encounter this issue.
KiaOra Koutou
Had the ‘stern email’ come through today .
Im still taking bookings but unsure what’s going to happen after Friday
‘Oh well’
Now here's an idea given that Airbnb wants NZ Hosts to practice the same cleaning and PPE requirements as are expected in our NZ managed isolation facilities that returning NZ citizens are placed in (which have kept us free from community transmission - all be it that Airbnb appears to only think that's the case in China!) then perhaps we could all offer our services to the NZ government to become quarantine facilities once our listings are removed for failing to comply.
@Cassandra191 @Brenda959 @Ria16 I often go passed one of our MIQ facilities and there are finally people exercising their Lawful Rights to not wear Face Coverings/ Masks out exercising.
To be honest I find it abhorrent and ignorant of those calling the shots that they are relying on WHO Guidelines that are dominated by Asian Research Papers as they are the worlds highest population and have a disproportionately higher number of attendees at Universities world wide.
Have you also noticed not once do they ever disclose whose 'Science Research Papers" are used, or from which country?
I oft think of the Nurse who was staying in my home as New Zealand went in to lockdown & her comments how a person who is unwell in a Church in South Korea, where the churches are over 3-4 levels and have up to 4,000 people in attendance could NOT possibly be compared to that of churches elsewhere in the world, including in New Zealand and Australia..ditto those elderly folk at the Choir practice in USA...
Let's say, I've had the ocassional interesting conversation along the way ...
@Brenda959 @Cassandra191 @Ria16 @Emiel1
There's also other topics that relate to this matter if you look up New Zealand in the search box, ditto relating to other countries.
Do be mindful that the meassge that pops up uses the word "May:" not will delist if one doesn't tick the Agree to Terms...Take a screenshot of it for your own records.
Under Law one should be aware they word is 'May' not 'will' OR "MUST".
There's always technicalities and Grey areas of laws. as many have found out in the last nearly 12 months of World events..
All the best
Central To All Home & Location
Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand where one is welcome to come and stay as a normal person without a Face-covering or Mask!!
Thanks for pointing that out Helen. I also like your wording "New Zealand where one is welcome to come and stay as a normal person without a Face-covering or Mask!!"
This just got a little more serious for us today. Airbnb blocked our calendar today so no more bookings. Thankfully we went to a duel platform in November with Booking.com as we could not in all honesty sign up to the Airbnb cleaning protocols.