Why are some listings charged the Cdn. HST tax of 15% and ot...
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Why are some listings charged the Cdn. HST tax of 15% and others charged almost nothing? ie: some charged $30.00 tax and ot...
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We closed our BnB cottage in March 2020 because of Covid. Yesterday we began accepting reservations for June 5 and beyond.
I thought we were being original. Our listing was updated with an opening statement that Covid Vaccination Certificates are required for every guest prior to them being given a key. In addition to the Airbnb listing, we will include a statement with our response to their reservation request.
I soon discovered that we are not alone with that requirement.
Has anybody else done this? Has Airbnb made a statement about it.
I have it in the summary and the house rules. FYI, since I put it in I have not had any inquiries, but, this also coincides with the Delta variant and cases going up. @Anne8506
For those of you who have added vaccination requirements for your guests, are you still getting bookings or does this appear to be a deterrent for future guests?
I received a booking and they said they are vaccinated in their message. I haven’t checked it. But the bookings I’ve gotten are relieved and grateful it’s required, (it seems.) wouldn’t you be? There could be those who don’t book because of it, but it’s not about that for me.
Our bookings remain strong. We also lengthened the minimum stay from 3 to 5 nights so that we aren't spending so much time cleaning. We are in Hawaii where all the tourists are coming now!
@David-And-Kevin0 I was thinking of doing the same thing. Have you been asking for proof of vaccination or trusting their word.
In my case, every time I ask someone they say “yes, and am relieved [or pleased] that you have this requirement.” I’ve trusted this, but, I suppose there could be those who will out and out lie. (Horrible thought.)
We just trust that they read our requirement. We hope that it scares away the unvaccinated. We don't want to get into a policing function. We are vaccinated.
Pardon me, please explain your comment. You sound like an anti-vax host.
@David-And-Kevin0 not sure who your request was targeted at, since you didn't tag anyone, but if it was me, my comment means that we have not found our vaccination requirement to be a deterrent to guests; on the contrary many guests are reassured by it. We are totally pro-vax.
The only issue with this is that requiring a vaccination certificatie will be the lead booker, it dosnt stop X amount of guests booked under that person from not having a vaccination.
In my opinion, AirBNB should handle the validation of vaccination status for hosts and guests. With the virus such a present concern, this shouldn't be something we have to deal with. It should just be a checkbox ("Require that guests be vaccinated?") and then the guests upload their certificate one time rather than every time they want to book.
I agree! Now how do we convince Airbnb?
I agree. My hope is that people will start writing to AirBnB via the Feedback link and requesting it. I have done so. I didn’t hear back but I don’t think they write us back on that. The more suggestions the better.
I have a vaccine requirement on my listing and everyone so far that has booked has been grateful and relieved by it. I think it’s a win-win, depending on what country you’re in.
@Michele511 I agree! My business has been booming since I implemented the vaccination requirement back in June along with the cleaning and disinfecting I do and supplying guests with gloves,sanitizer wipes and hand sanitizer.
I want my guests to feel safe and they do! Everyone that stays with me loves it and I get rave reviews.
This is the least we can do to help save lives!