@Michelle938 As a home-share host as well, I would echo all that Linda has said.
You definitely have to be the kind of person who isn't annoyed by having other people sharing your home. But I can tell you that I've had wonderful guests from all over the world, and I quite enjoy it.
Of course your target market isn't going to be the same for a private room as for an entire place. You can't have it both ways.
You just have to decide what your new target market is. My target market is those who like being out in the quiet countryside, have simple needs, are the types who like to walk, do yoga, read, write, work on their art.
I only list for one guest at a time, and while I get both male and female guests, of all ages, the female guests like booking a home-share with a female host, as it feels safe to them when travelling alone to an unfamiliar area.
Yours might be business travelers, or some other demographic. Decide who a private room in a shared high-end home would suit, and which type of guests you would feel most comfortable sharing your living space with, and market towards those people.
You also don't need to share all your rooms with guests- my guests have full use of my kitchen and outdoor areas in addition to their room and private bathroom, but I don't list my living room as shared space.