How do I communicate that there will be a fee assessed for l...
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How do I communicate that there will be a fee assessed for late check outs? Where do I put that in the listing?
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We closed our BnB cottage in March 2020 because of Covid. Yesterday we began accepting reservations for June 5 and beyond.
I thought we were being original. Our listing was updated with an opening statement that Covid Vaccination Certificates are required for every guest prior to them being given a key. In addition to the Airbnb listing, we will include a statement with our response to their reservation request.
I soon discovered that we are not alone with that requirement.
Has anybody else done this? Has Airbnb made a statement about it.
@Tina7372 I would tell her that given your strict cancellation policy, you are not in a position to refund her. However, if she cancels immediately, you will refund her for any dates that are booked by other people. The fact that it is a small community should not come into it. YOU have done nothing wrong - it is her that is lying.
I think you tagged your response to the wrong question.
Would you mind sharing your requirements statement? I am also looking for additional guidance from Airbnb on this and plan to ask all my guests to at least factually state they are vaccinated before arriving. Many thanks
Thank you for the encouragement. I went and read what happens when a guest cancels. Airbnb refunds them based on the host's cancellation policy. I wrote to her and said I'm happy to try to rent it to someone else but that she would need to cancel ASAP. It's for her to find out that unexpected illness does not qualify for a refund.
I have not found any statement by Airbnb. However, I am completely in agreement with you as to wanting vaccination from guest OR a negative Covid test within 72 hours like the airlines require. I see absolutely nothing wrong with this requirement. While my husband and I are fully vaccinated, I don't want anyone who might be asymptomatic in our space (we live downstairs) and I would to reassure future guests that, not only have we cleaned with Covid precautions, we have made sure that prior guests were not contagious. So how do we do this - ask to see their card or test result? I would like to see some guidance from Airbnb. Unfortunately, I live in a conservative rural area of the country where people see getting vaccinated as a political statement rather than a health concern.
It’s hard @Mary4369 if your state doesn’t require it. Maine requires a negative test and that the guests fill out a compliance certificate that they send me through the Airbnb messaging system. Because it’s a state requirement, I haven’t had to test it. Unfortunately it is not yet on the list of things we can check off as a requirement before a guest can book. But in your shoes I would definitely try to make it a requirement foe your place. You would probably have to turn off Instant Book if you haven’t already.
Have your reservations decreased because of this requirement?
Not at all.
@David-And-Kevin0 I have also been closed since March 2020.
While we should want as many people as possible to be vaccinated, from all I have read concerning vaccines, having had the vaccine does not prevent people from contracting Covid nor passing it on to others if they do get infected. All it does is trigger your immune system to attack the virus, so that you don't end up in the hospital or dead, you will instead have a mild case.
So guests being vaccinated, as I see it, doesn't really prevent them from leaving Covid virus in your rental, or passing it on to you, if they happen to be infected. Because you are vaccinated, or future guests are, if you were exposed, you wouldn't have a severe case.
But vaccinated guests and vaccinated hosts are no assurance that none of you are carrying the virus and could pass it on.
@Sarah977 While I understand and agree, we feel vaccinations are society's best protection. We will require vaccination certificates. A Covid negative test certificate is not enough for us. Politically, we support mandatory vaccinations for everybody - except for those persons who cannot take it for true medical reasons. This is our step to protect society and ourselves. BTW, we used to own a home in La Penita, on the beach next to the river. We love Sayulita,
@David-And-Kevin0 I very much agree with you and came to this community forum looking for people who have in fact done this. Have you check with Airbnb if they will back you on it? I would like them to add proof of vaccination as a criteria to book.
While getting a negative covid test within 3 days of arrival tells you what they were then, it doesn’t show that they didn’t contract it in travels, so I think vaccines are necessary. I just want to know that Airbnb will back us.
@Sarah977 in fact there is more and more evidence that vaccination does prevent transmission.
@David-And-Kevin0 I am with you in that I believe everyone should get vaccinated. Unfortunately, I live in Arkansas, which dropped its mask mandate last month and I am surrounded with people who believe Covid is overblown and FREEDOM means they shouldn't have to get a shot. (There are also the old hippie anti-vaccers in the hills.) They all usually state a health or religious objection to vaccinations, which is why I mentioned testing as I don't see any relgious or health reasons against that. Plus, it might be such a hassle, they would choose another Airbnb rather than stay with us. While I love where I live for the beauty and cost of living, HI and MN sure sound nice about now!