I’ve recently started my own cleaning business!Name and such...
I’ve recently started my own cleaning business!Name and such is in the work as this is something im great at, but like an emb...
Hello everyone
I could really use the insight on my listing
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Hi Felicia,
Great property. I would say try condensing some of the descriptions. I think the use of bullet points really help when people are scanning properties - they can see the highlights quickly without feeling the need to read a whole passage. Also, I would try to get some more professional photos taken. The spaces are beautiful but you can't appreciate them fully from the photos you have. I hope this helps @Felicia200
Hi Felicia,
Great property. I would say try condensing some of the descriptions. I think the use of bullet points really help when people are scanning properties - they can see the highlights quickly without feeling the need to read a whole passage. Also, I would try to get some more professional photos taken. The spaces are beautiful but you can't appreciate them fully from the photos you have. I hope this helps @Felicia200
Photos updated please take a look and tell me what you think
updated photos look good!
Thank you so much. I agree on the photos. I did get professional ones completed and do not know how to upload. I will definitely implement your suggestions. On the pricing what are your thoughts?
That's a whopper of a house, @Felicia200 and, like @Anthony1515 says, some of your description and photos could do with condensing/improving. Even the external shot would look so much better if you'd take a few steps back.
Personally, I'd lose the zen references/flowery language and stick with a more factual approach, but we're all different.
The one thing that your house screams is **PARTY**. That would be a big concern to me. Also, it isn't clear whether the party space is shut off for your BAU guests?
Hey @Felicia200 , have you considered two seperate listings? One for just the house, and another for house + event space. You can link calendars for the two to avoid double booking. This would allow you to set different pricing, description, + minimum stay rules for each one.
Great you got professional photos with AirBnB. I did those too and they look awesome. Usually AirBnB will upload them to your listing for you.
OMG I can do that???? I would love to do that. Thank you