Hey there, I am working with a friend who owns a property in...
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Hey there, I am working with a friend who owns a property in my area but lives in another state. He is not tech savvy so he h...
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If Airbnb deducts the same amount from your Payoneer account twice, do not ask for a refund. After two months of harassment (I was constantly contacted by various operators who did not know their job) and harsh words that I addressed to them, they finally returned my money, but they soon canceled my account. Their explanation is that they can do that without explaining in detail why it happened, which in my opinion is a violation of human rights and an insolence that should be prohibited. When you break a law or a rule in a democratic country, you will be punished, WITH A WRITTEN EXPLANATION. This sounds like a witch hunt from the Middle Ages. I hope that one day someone will stand in their way, and make them change this stupid rule, because I have not heard anything like that in 30 years of doing business with many countries.
PS: Let me just remind you (Airbnb) that I will tell this story on all social networks and conversations with friends and business partners around the world. I know it doesn't mean anything to you, but if I dissuade at least one person from using your thieves' site, it will be enough satisfaction for me 🙂
@Aleksandar90 Whilst Customer Support often get things wrong it is important to realise that they are minimum wage and probably poorly trained. Being harsh with them achieves little except that, depending on the degree of harshness, you may deservedly get banned from the platform.
This is not a violation of human rights but rather a company applying the rules as it sees fit
Alex, you have to understand support is an incredibly difficult role to play. I have been there and had my head ripped off by user after user!
When you approach support you should ask for their help......not demand an explanation! The fastest way to get a ticket closed is to bounce support, they are there to help, not get yelled at....and if you are going to demand validation of your argument, you will find support does not fall 'thick on the grass'!
If you have an issue, when you contact CX ask them for their advice in solving your problem....don't demand answers, ask for help, and you will be like a breath of fresh air to them and they will go out of their way to help you!
Alex, I am pleased that you ended up with a satisfactory result but, I feel that was in spite of you, not because of you! And continuing to shout your cause from the rooftops on social media will say more about you than it will say about Airbnb.
You ended up where you are without an account because, you were a turkey, not because Airbnb was a mother hen!
@Robin4 Never heard "fall thick on the grass" ?? ......you are a real delight as I learn something new every post, well almost every post. So I just know you will give me the origin. Is it like the "apple doesn't fall far from the tree"?
Also, good you can give the first hand to @Aleksandar90 about CS and that being kind goes far - that's one message I truly have pushed on our community group here in Florida - ask CS for their help - be nice and they will be on your side. Bite their head off, yell and be nuts and scream and good luck with your issue/problem and its human behavior to want to retreat from such behavior.
Well, I have nothing really to add here except wanted to comment to you @Robin4 .
hope things are going well for you and Ade. Blessings, Clara
Thanks Clara, we on the other side of the world are feeling so afraid when we see what is happening with COVID-19 in your state and others in the south of the US.
Ade has just gone to the east coast to visit the girls and the grandies for a month. I have a blissful month of not being told what to do or when to do it Clara.....oh praise be to God! The current pandemic has no effect on that visit of hers!
We are being somewhat flippant about this pandemic Clara because it doesn't affect us......it's weeks since we have had an active case and over the entirety of the pandemic we in this state have only had 4 deaths. We were told to expect hundreds and whole hospital facilities were closed down to allow for virus sufferers......but, the halls are empty, those sufferers never came, we isolated ourselves from the rest of the country and internally have remained open for business. Patrons can mix with each other at hotels, restaurants.....25,000 allowed at a local football match, 150 at weddings and funerals. Clara, life is just as it was a year ago here.
But that is maybe not a good thing. I have not seen one person wearing a mask in public in the last month and it is just a matter of time before someone breaks our quarantine requirements and the virus leaps out into our community. Until there is an effective vaccine, we are all vulnerable, no matter where on earth we are!
Take care possum, keep your head down and I hope that some sort of responsible leadership will in the next few months bring this current hell you are going through to a close!
@Robin4 WOW .....glad you have your space, your freedom and can chill out. How wonderful that you and your people are free from the constant stress of Covid 19 - I pray it will stay that way for you.....but you are correct, as quickly as some idiots from Fl. can get there they will bring it right over.........Also I do appreciate that you see what all is going on in my side of the world, esp. here in Florida where the people seem like idiots, fight against wearing masks, still call it a hoax, and fly those stupid flags for the orange dummy and the sad part for me is ALL my family and church (now former) church folks are in that cult. It is so disturbing, disheartening and a mystery to me that many very intelligent people, so I thought are part of it. The lies that all is going to be taken away from us.....is so crazy. Now all is being done by 45 and his peeps to steal the election - I pray God will show us a clearer path with honesty and respect at the forefront, unlike the past 4 yrs.
I have had 5 friends die in the past 3 weeks............and now we are almost 190,000 dead and they wanna call it a hoax, well, tell the poor families that buried those precious ones its a hoax. Even in our local ABB community group which I moderate/lead there are those in the cult and they are all on ready alert to attack, respond and scream against any small notion in a direction that is in anyway different to their worship of their idiot king/leader.
One of my sisters/she remains at a distance from the rest of the family all the time....messaging last week that all our hope is in MAGS......we ask what is MAGS, she replied trump......I almost cried.....but instead wrote, My HOPE and trust is in JESUS! Now and always.
So you see the battle, conflict is enormous....and one brother lives 7 hrs away and is a huge supporter, devotee of orange man....he sends videos to me all the time, and I just hit the delete button on What'sApp.....I only respond to his family pics and stupid stuff....he never seems to get it. DUH
Anyway, thanks for writing, caring and allowing me to vent a little.....a lot actually as I reread, sorry.
Be at peace, enjoy your time.....May you and Ade and your family all stay weller, and do fine in the days/months/years ahead.
Blessings good man,
cheers - Clara 🙂
Clara, we are watching you closely, we are watching with dismay because we do want to open our borders to the rest of the world and get travelers back here again.
My state of South Australia does not have a large population, being only 1.7 million and 75% of those live in the one major urban city. But here is how we have handled this virus since it came here.......
We have had 22 new infection cases since the start of May this year and we have only had 4 deaths in total. You have more chance of being run over and killed by a vehicle than catching COVID-19 here. And, apart from one state (who do seem to be behaving much like the US) and not taking the virus seriously, we as a country are doing spectacularly well. And everyone except Donald Trump acknowledges that...... Here is our current state around the country!
President Trump claims to be doing better than this, simply because he has to deal with a larger population......no even that statement makes a bit too much sense for him!
At the moment even travelers from a virus free states still require a reason and a police permit in order to cross a border into South Australia. We are that serious about protecting ourselves. Ade is currently in NSW for a month with our kids, but she has to apply for a permit to come home and will have to self isolate for 14 days when she does.
Clara, this virus has been proved to do one thing particularly well......jump from one person to another. Until the world realises that, I am afraid we are going to have to do without having you lovely people come and spend some time here with us!
Take care possum, we are thinking of you!
Read my answers to others. Then you understand.
Don't know that I need to read your responses to others Aleksandra, I think you explained your position fairly well here !
Airbnb are...... "if I dissuade at least one person from using your thieves' site, it will be enough satisfaction for me"
Reading your 'answers to others'.....wherever those other responses might be, because they are not here on the CC would not make your position any clearer. You are f*cked off with Airbnb because they inadvertently deducted from your account the same amount twice, but reimbursed you when you complained about it.
I repeat, they cancelled your account because they considered you were too much of a loose canon....and frankly, I don't see a problem with that..... I would do the same if you were that angry employee/sub-contractor of mine!
I see that all here picked up on the tone of this conflict and how it got out of hand and why it turned the way it did.
@Aleksandar90 Airbnb, as with any entity in life, it is composed of levels of ability (and power); the trick is to reach the level with your 'issue' that matches its complexity. I had a $17,000 issue two years ago with Airbnb, I had to finally get to their highest office in Ireland to solve the issue, and they did so in an instance. And yet none up to that point were able to help, but I was able to get there only because I didn't cause any 'walls' or 'ceilings' along the way by already starting angry. Works every time.
Your story reads that an abuser - when called out on the matter and when your accusation is vilified by the return of your money - you continue to be abused.
There is a headline enough, right there.
Well done in getting your money rightfully returned.
Olá Aleksandar90 é primeira vez que escrevo nesse canal. Concodo com vocês que o airbnb é complicado quando o assunto é assumir responsabilidades. Escrevo para alertar a todos de uma situação que me causou muita decepção. Tive um dos meus apartamentos roubado. Televisão, geladeira, micro-ondas e todos os eletrodomésticos foram roubados. Solicitei ao airbnb reembolso e eles me pediram para tratar do assunto por e-mail... Achei muito estranho não utilizar o aplicativo pois essa é a orientação que nós seguimos estritamente. Para minha surpresa o airbnb negou meu reembolso e também se nega a informar os dados do hospede a autoridade policial. O telefone do hóspede na verdade é de uma tele entrega de cerveja e não foi verificado pelo aplicativo e o hospede naturalmente não responde no aplicativo. Me sinto desprotegido pois não consigo obter os dados para processar o delinquente. Temos 52 apartamentos anunciados no aplicativo e realmente nos sentimos desamparados nesse incidente. Alguém já passou por situação similar? Podem me auxiliar com sugestões do que fazer?