Due to regional restrictions, payouts can’t be set up for this Co-Host" error when setting up co-host payout

Due to regional restrictions, payouts can’t be set up for this Co-Host" error when setting up co-host payout

As the title says, I am getting an error when I tried to set up the payout method for my co-host. We have 2 listings on this property and have successfully added the payout to the other listing, but the other listing is very problematic. We already contacted Airbnb on many occasions (in 2 weeks) but got the same generic answer "We are escalating your problem to the right department to address the issue better..blah blah blah". It is very frustrating that we cannot start renting the property because the co-host will not want to start working because of the pending issue on the payout. I hope anyone can help me with this problem.

4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I am a cohost @Rica11  and when the host sets up my payment all they need to do is put in the %  we agree for my services and the payment automatically comes through to the bank account set up on my profile.


When I looked at one of your listings though,  you seem to be added as the cohost rather than the main host. If you are the owner but are listed as a cohost this will be why you can't add a cohost to the listing.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Rica11 👋


@Helen3 left a comment below with a possible solution to your query. Have you had a look to see if you're set up as a Co-Host?


It would be great to hear from you. 😊



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 1
Québec City, Canada

I have the same issue. Did you find a solution?


There are 3 designations for Listings:


Listing Owner


(Primary Host)


Sometimes Listing Owners will name a Co-host as primary host on a listing. The owner will be displayed as a "co-host" on the listing to guests, but always retains ownership of the listing. The Co-Host will show as "Host" to guests if the owner selects them to be primary host on a listing.


The key is to establish a new listing with yourself as owner. Then invite someone as a Co-host and have them accept. Be sure you have added their payout information as Co-host. Once that is done the owner can then name the co host as Primary Host on the listing if they wish. Co-Hosts identity must be verified, before they can be added as Co-Hosts to a listing. I usually suggest the Co Host setup their profile and default payment FIRST. Then when Airbnb has confirmed verification of their ID and bank account information, the Listing Owner can send them an invite to Co Host.


Be sure you send the invite to the email that is listed on the Co-Host's Airbnb profile. It is best to do this on a desktop/laptop computer and not on your phone. Same with the Co-Host accepting the invite. Click the email invite on your desktop/laptop and not on your phone email. Using a phone can cause authentication issues depending on the security of the network.


Add Co Hosts to Your Listing



Listing Owner/Co Hosts/Primary Hosts


