
Level 2
Nashville, TN


Can you tell me how the Algorithm works?

Top Answer


We all wish we knew that! Here is what Airbnb says:


How Search Works


View Top Answer in original post

5 Replies 5


We all wish we knew that! Here is what Airbnb says:


How Search Works


Thanks for telling me about the 2 Queen beds on my site @Marie8425 

I didn't put it there,

I will check everything on my site.

Thanks again 

Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


Just a thought maybe a little tweaking of your listing might help.  Your Guest limit is one which is working great it appears from reviews but very confusing when you are promoting two queen beds but only 1 Guest.

Use your positive reviews and design your ad to promote why an excellent spot for one.   I didn't realize the limit until I wanted to look at pricing.

If something works then don't hide it.


Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Betty598  Hope everything is going well. 😄


Hope you found helpful the resources that @Marie8425 and @Joan2709 shared with you. 


Do you understand better the algorithm? 


Warm regards, 🤗




Yes I understand. Thanks