I recently changed the description of my listing to state th...
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I recently changed the description of my listing to state that I would charge $25 to guests who want to check-in early or che...
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***NOTE: This Help Guide has been created using the new layout so if you have a different layout, please visit https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Hosts/Extra-Guest-Fee-A-Community-Help-Guide/m-p/53364#M2477
I often recommend hosts to include an extra guest fee in their listing. I have a suite with its own entrance that accommodates 4 guests. The base rate I set is for two guests and I charge $10 for any extra guests over the two. There are two reasons I do this. The first is that my rate is low enough to attract a couple or two single people but if more people wish to stay, I can make more money on my listing. The second reason is I do not like the message that is sent if I do not have an extra guest fee. What I mean by this is that if I choose to accommodate 4 guests and not charge an extra guest fee, the listing will show "extra people: no charge" (see image below). Many guests then seem to think that "extra people: no charge" means they can bring as many people as they wish as they will not be charged. Also, by having my listing setup this way, if someone books for two and then sneak in 2 more guests, it is easier to have Airbnb backup my claim for an extra guest charge.
***TIP*** If you wish to remove the "Extra people: No Charge", just go into your settings and set the extra guest count to your max occupancy number and then in the amount box, set this at $0. This will remove the "Extra people: No Charge" and avoid confusion for people looking at your listing.
The following are directions on how to add an "extra guest fee".
Step 1: Click on "Host" and then "Manage Listings" and then choose the listing you wish to add the extra guest fee to.
Step 2: From the choices, choose "Pricing" and then go to the "Extra Charges" section and choose Edit.
Step 3: Go to the "Extra guests" box and then enter the amount per night per extra guest and then choose for each guest over a certain amount that you want to be charged this fee.
Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host
Hi-did you ever find a solution to your problem as I'm experiencing the same problem. I haven't published my listing yet but like you I couldn't find any option for adding extra guest, cleaning fees or any extras at all. Any advice?
Hello, I cannot find the way to set in the listings price section:
-Cleaning fee
-Extra guest charge
-Secure deposit
I am able to set only the nightly price.
is there any contact number that I can call to have assistence?
Thanks a lot
Does anyone know how I can set up different price points for extra guests. For example the first two guests stat for the base rate, then I'd like to charge $20 for the extra guest after two, so the third guest will be charged $20, and then change $30 (a different amount than the third guest) for the fourth guest, and so on until the maximum number of guest is reached for my listing. Is this possible to setup via Manage Listings - Extra Charges on AirBnB, or should this be done differently? If so, please share how to setup different prices for different number of extra guests. Thanks.
An upcoming guest recently accidentally made a booking for 1 guest when there will actually be 2 staying. I am attempting to change the booking by adding another guest. My additional guest fee is $10 CAD. The number of nights is 9, so the additional fee would total $90 except that there should be a 10% weekly discount, so the amount added should be $81 (or a little less with the host service fee). When I change the quantity of guests from 1 to 2, it adds a payout difference of $179.28 to the payout amount. Is the system calculating this correctly? It seems like this amount is too high, unless I'm missing something.
Hi Dave & Deb. Thank you for the handy information. I am new on Airbnb, and tips like this are very helpful. Regards. Lidia
your list is really helpful and delivers the update information so thanks for sharing this post. And have any query in your iPhone so you can call on iPhone Customer Support Number +1-866-306-6719.
I have 1 double bed room, 2 single room. I want to charge different price to each room, but I don't know how to do it.
Hello , I recently had a guest argue with me about not being upfront about the "extra guest fee" which was uncomfortable to say the least, but also surprising, as I remember the listing page used to have a section that clearly showed all the pricing (like you show in your screenshots). But last week when I went to confirm that all my prices were clearly shown on the listing, I realized that Airbnb has modified the listing page the guests see such that there is no pricing section at all anymore! Does anyone know when and why the pricing section was removed? Has anyone else had this issue with guests complaining about the extra charge recently as well?
have a family requesting to stay and only putting down 1 guest as they think its ridiculous that a 2 year old and a 7 year old who will be using the beds i set up. And the father doesnt think he should be paying any extra for guests at all. Any suggestions for a polite yet justified reply to him on why paying as don’t want to say the wrong thing and have a back and forth messaging rant
I like this that is fair unlike some people.
I recently wanted to book a place for 4 days for 2 of us. It was a entire flat for £80 a night
when i went to book it it was showing £110 a night but my partner said it was showing £80 on her pc
i then realised they was charging £80 for 1 person and £110 for 2 which considering its a double bed i found a bit of a joke to say the least. i was very tempted to book anyway and both turn up.
What is ridiculous is the Airbnb does not have a PER STAY option for Extra Guest fee. We only need one per stay fee to cover extra time cleaning after a large group. We don't want to charge the fee every night. Cleaning only happens once, after a group leaves, not every night.
As a heads-up:
Background: I have a listing that charges extra for guests over 6 people, since it generally becomes a booking for larger groups and attracks a lot of extra wear & tear. The Extra Guest Fee has never been a problem and all guests seem to understand. I have literally never encountered any questions about this charge.
Problem: I had a group stay with us that said they were booking for 8 guests total, paid the Extra Guest Fee for the two guests over 6, no problem. Then, in her review blatantly stated that my space was wonderful for her whole family and group of 10. I took a screen shot of this, which clearly admits more than they booked for. I went through the process of requesting the extra fees, then asked AirBnb to get involved. AirBnb's responce was that since I didn't specifically mention Extra Guest Fee's elsewhere in my listing description, and didn't explicitly talk about the extra fees for the 2 extra guests (which I couldn't have, since they were hidden from me until after her booking) that they couldn't back me up??
Help: Please tell me where you all specifically list your Extra Guest Fee, other than where it ALREADY shows up on your listing? It feels tacky and I am unsure of how to slide this in, in the midst of describing my property. I want to be up front and not like I am hiding fees, but will we also have to start saying, "HEY! I charge per night, plus cleaning fees, and Airbnb charges their own fees... Just so you know."
Hi @Dave-and-Deb0 !
It caught my attention your strategy as I was thinking in using the same. I host a 2 bedroom apartment which can host 5 people maximum, but I also want to attract couples or two single people who wish a more spacious affordable place. How is it working for you? Do you have many cheaters trying to sneak people? Do you use a camera? Have you had any incidents and report it to Airbnb and had a favorable resolution (getting paid for those extra people not booked)?
Any feedback would be awesome,
Greetings from Mexico!