Help! I can't get AirBnB to understand that we are not in the jurisdiction of the city so we cannot get a permit from them!

Level 2
Sequim, WA

Help! I can't get AirBnB to understand that we are not in the jurisdiction of the city so we cannot get a permit from them!

They think I need a permit from the city whose name is part of our address, but the address is outside of the city and it has no jurisdiction there.  Only the county has jurisdiction.  The county does not issue permits for vacation rentals.  The city will not issue one to us either because we are not in the city. They have only given me until Nov. 1st to show them a permit.  Everyone I've talked with just "assures" us that  they have done their homework and we are "definitely" in the city and redirects us to the link to submit the registration that requires a permit from the city!  ARGH!   We've talked with four agents and they supposedly talked with supervisors.  

7 Replies 7
Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand



Like many of us who have contacted ABB outsourced Customer Services, you have likely been talking to several of 60,000 plus people contracted out through Telus, a Canadian Business Customer Services agents, who lack appropriate training in understanding different Legal Jurisdictions and Legislation.


Unfortunately society has lost the plot and where once upon a time people were trained competently with Administration Law and Critical thinking, it rarely exists in many places.


Filling out forms that have been Copy and Pasted online by some Hardware/ Software Tech Business out to make a profit is not just a case of Ticking or Crossing out Boxes, it requires proper Human Intervention and not a Prejudicial Programmer.



The Business and Education systems need a serious Reset.




Agreed. There needs to be a way to differentiate between an individual business' issue and an Airbnb issue, such as a software glitch, or this incorrect application of a legal issue. If one cannot get past powerless minions in customer service then the company would be in the dark regarding issues important to them as well as us.


It sounds as though this forum may be the answer?

Hi @Robn0 

I took a quick look at the map and it does seem to appear you are within the limits of Port Angeles city limits? I'm assuming you have the correct legal address on the listing?


Have you contacted the City of Port Angeles and asked them to verify you do not need a permit as you are not within the city boundaries? If not, I suggest you contact them and ask them to respond via email that you are not within the city limits of Port Angeles (note address in email) and therefore do not need a permit. Once you have the email from the City, I would contact Airbnb with a screen shot of the email.


If you do have written comfirmation from the City of Port Angeles that the listing address is NOT within the City limits, then can you post back here and perhaps one of the moderators can help forward this issue to the appropriate Team at Airbnb.



I'm curious as to what map you referred to!


I did get confirmation from the city that I do NOT need to register but I already knew that and the question was how to get that info to the correct people. CS seemed way too convinced that I needed to follow directions to pay any attention to any kind of proof I could offer. Luckily the city has other avenues (I gather). 

Thanks for your response 


I work with several Hosts in the area where your listing is located. 


State Sales Tax is 6.5%

County Sales Tax Clallam (unincorporated) is 2.1%

Hotel Tax Clallam County is 2%


If you are in unincorporated Clallam County the total tax is 10.6%. The tax is applied to nightly rate + cleaning fee and shown under line item on reservation as “Occupancy Taxes”.  Tax is NOT charged on the Airbnb Guest Service Fee.



Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Robn0


I'm sorry that you've been having some difficulties getting this sorted! Did you get a chance to look at the replies above, in particular the suggestion from @Joan2709


I hope you get a chance to speak to the City of Port Angeles to clarify all this soon, and please let us know how the situation progresses!



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Sorry for the lengthy delay, I've had a lot of things to deal with all at once.  


Yes, I did speak with the city of Port Angeles short term lodging technician, Triston Carlstrom. He told me that the city is working with Airbnb to correct this problem and verified that this STR requirement does NOT apply to me, nor many other hosts with Port Angeles addresses but located OUTSIDE the incorporated city.  


Thank you so much for your concern.  Customer support (mostly) uses very flowery reassuring language that does NOT come across (to me) as sincere. It leaves me with the conviction that I am communicating with powerless minions who do NOT understand my issue. I ask for instructions on what proof to provide that I cannot register and they replied by explaining in great detail how to register!  If I had offered proof, as planned, I'm not at all convinced they would accept it or know what to do with it!


Given that it appears that they do not understand the concept of unincorporated areas under county government but NOT city government, I am wondering if they are also incorrectly collecting any taxes that may be applicable to city properties but not those outside the city. (I do not know if there are any such taxes.)


Thanks again, Robn