Help with Pending Payments and one is over 6 month and No Response

Level 2
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Help with Pending Payments and one is over 6 month and No Response

I am still having issues with 2 bookings not being paid. One is overrrrr 6 month and still not been paid... . I am a super host..


$208 55 and $295.85...


Over $500 still notttt. been paiddddd.... 😞 And I hosted these guest because Airbnb said they had been confirm their payment.. If it had said otherwise it would have not appoved the booking from the start or any Alteration Request.

Had an Airbnb Support comment that it was strange to have a payment not send to host because of an Alteration Request.. issue.. Also that usually covered by Host Guarantee.. but...


These case are still open on Support already.. But no progress or resolution provided.. Also no Text Send open as usually done for an issue.


It seems from my end that their is a big bug... on the payment process application part. Especially on Alteration Request... Also on the comunicacion from Airbnb Host Support with Airbnb Collections.


Currently asking for help from Recent Guest to help with this issue as No Response Progress by Airbnb..

I Have not given review on guest pending help by Guest to help solve this.. In the case their is an Alteration Request for an additional guest added to existing reservation not been paid of $30 and for this my entireeee payment is on holdddd.. 😞


Please help ... helppppp... over $500 still owed by Airbnb...




Victor Torres

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