
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

How did you attract your first booking?

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

How did you attract your first booking?

Attract your first booking.jpg


Hello everyone,


Thinking back to when you first joined Airbnb, before you got your first booking.


What did you do to make your listing attractive, to entice your first guest to book your home?


Did it take you long to welcome your first guest?





Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

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Top Answer
Level 3
Bali, Indonesia

Well for me, Airbnb was an unexpected event which literally saved my A**


Whilst  staying in Singapore for a few nights while waiting for my saxophone to be repaired I was listening to the radio in my hotel room and a short news item sounded talking about Airbnb. I had never heard about Airbnb and it was something which was on my mind on how to rent out my villa in Bali.


 It was funny as I had to scramble around to find a pen as the wording Airbnb so new to me, I was worried I may forget, as it happened, I lost the paper and did remember the word Airbnb and the rest is history.


 I had no real plan or experience in letting out property to strangers, therefore many mistakes were made and a great rush of ideas ran through my mind during the first year which caused  lots of anxiety as I knew what had to be done to improve matters. I was extremely lucky with the first guest as they wrote a good review but after that the reviews were mediocre but I was thankful to the guests who privately told me where I could improve.


 From that day onwards it became an addiction or rather a hobby to make everything wonderful and to make the guests feel happy. In the beginning I papered over the cracks with my personality and friendly approach which made up any shortcomings that were still lingering.


 I had a lot of contact with the guests who came to the Villa as I lived next door and it was easy for me to assist them and for me to learn more about what they really want from an Airbnb. I was also lucky  because my wife could make scrumptious food and in the beginning we offered this as an extra service and complimentary breakfast on their first day.


After a few years of hosting we finally became a super host which was the goal  as I could see the many benefits of being a super host on the Airbnb platform. Now in my fifth year I have encountered many types of people and rarely do I feel anxious when the new guest arrives. 


I now have everything perfect for hosting but still tweak, for example moving furniture around matching different colours and improving the interior to produce a calm relaxing environment. This is something I enjoy and did not realise  I have a little inner talent within this department. I know it can be expensive to update your property but it’s well worth it if you’re in for the long haul. 


 I also learnt a few wise things on the way in relation to mixing and socialising with this guests. In the early days I was always happy when the guests would invite me in for a drink as why not this is life and people are fun.  However some guests like to drink far too much which does not mix with my character but on one occasion because the guest was a music fanatic and a professional drummer in his younger days we stayed up late till 3 am swimming naked together in the pool and making music while his wife and daughter trying to sleep. 


 It was only when his wife stood outside the bedroom and shouting to the husband that it’s now nearly 4 am and she has not slept all night and would you stop making that noise and come to bed. Well looking back how embarrassing that was for me, I’m not too sure about the husband but for me it was the final time in getting really close to the guests as you need to distance yourself and to act professionally as you never know when it all might go wrong.

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131 Replies 131
Level 2
Honiton, United Kingdom

That’s lovely!!

Level 1
Kampala, Uganda

My first booking came a few weeks after i joined Airbnb and it was amazing

Level 2
Honiton, United Kingdom

I was a bit taken aback as I listed without spending too much time on it, thinking no one would book and I’d go back to update it - but I got three bookings in my first five days! 

Wow that is great. Was it your pricing or your location?

Level 2
New Bern, NC

Photos are the key to bringing in guests.


Start with below market price because you need some reviews.


Make sure your description and photos are accurate.

Level 3
Trumbull, CT

I have a friend who works for Airbnb and he is actually the one who encouraged me to start. He gave me loads of good advice- the best one however "treat your first guests like uber-gold to get those ratings started!" I had been traveling all over the US- more than 300 days per year.  Basically, a hotel was more home than my home was.  So I knew what I liked, and I know what I didn't-and incorporated that into the listing.  My property basically sells itself, and I used my real estate agents photos (I highly reccomend this- they know how to take photos) and also took additional photos of amenities, nooks and crannies, etc.  When you have a property with zero ratings I thought it was going to be tough to get bookings.  We got one the day we listed it...and it never stopped.  Sometimes it's location location location, and in our case, it was photos photos photos.  I also romanced the "story" a bit, found the best picture of my husband and myself (here's a couple of nice chaps who are smiling), and gave loads of info about the area, history,  and distance to "civilization"...(we are in the country, but only 1 1/2 hours from NYC.)   Our occupancy rate rivals that of a busy hotel- and we work very hard for every guest to have an amazing experience.  Good luck with your amazing experiences!

What a usfulness tips! Thank you for sharing! 🙂

Level 2
กทม, TH

In my country, the property in condo's type is very popular and my 1st listing is located at the end of the alley. The distance is almost 2 Kilo meters to the sky train and at the beginning of the alley already has more than 10 competitors which are the condo as well.


At that time I did research to check how my competitors decorated the room and what they offered to guests. I found that all the rooms in my area were designed in modern style. I wasn't sure if it was going to be work or not cause I decided to decor my room in cottage style which required me to put more effort to seeking the wooden furnitures and something locals.


I got my 1st booking after joined AirBnb with in the 1st week. And always get booking more than 80% of the month. I think it's not to bad. However I don't thing all of it happens because of the decoration but it was the good started point of being different.  🙂

Hi! We are a family from Barbados and we love hosting family games, gatherings and most of all cooking up a storm. My cousin had stayed in a few Airbnb places for work and he loved it. Everything was orchestrated quickly since we are all into hospitality and travel.


We launched at the end of January and by early February we had our first booking. Barbados is a small island and the Airbnb was lifting off for the country but we did not know any hosts or alot of things about it here. We reached out to 2 hosts on the south and west coast, conducted our research, looked at various listings worldwide, then looked at every detail the Airbnb listings in our area had.


The home itself is modern but the real seller was our backyard oasis and we highlighted that alot. We took the photos ourself(the guests says the photos don't do it justice and we already hired a professional photographer), created the content based off research and personal intake. We also launched an instagram page and tried to keep up with Airbnb and some of their hosts. We looked at descriptions, policies, physical space layout, everything that would enhance our listing. We weren't worried about seeing how many reviews we could get, we just wanted our guests to be happy staying with us each and everytime. We knew in time the reviews would come naturally.


We are currently hosting our 8th guests and have had persons stay with us from 2 nights to 14 nights. The key for us was knowing not only the potential of our home itself but learning about our guests staying with us. We always check in with them throughout their stay and we constantly ask their feedback so we can improve things right on the spot and for future guests. We are all still learning and we love it. 


We are truly thankful for Airbnb for allowing us to continue sharing our community spirit with others. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom


Sounds like you have put a lot of effort and work into building your wonderful listing, and raising its online profile with social media. Well done! 


Happy Hosting



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Hi Stephanie,


Thank you so much for your kind words. Giving my best in whatever I do is all I know and the team and I are still learning as we go. 


It would be an honor to hosts persons from the UK, Asia, Europe and Africa. How do we reach those markets Stephanie?


Thanks again

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Danielle681 ,


Have you tried doing to targeted mareting for those territories? For example, you can do paid acquisition on instagram which allows you to post some content (your listing for example) and have it appear to users of a specific age range, location, occupation etc. The more specifications you add to the target, the more the daily ad cost will be.  In a previous role, I did a lot of user acquistion via digital marketing and SEO for video games, the same principles apply 🙂 


Also, as you have an IG page, you should spend some time investing in the Facebook page that you will automatically have from its creation. Facebook has the largest audience for you to tap into!







Please follow the Community Guidelines 

Hi Stephanie,


I was looking to start when the season eases up, just wasn't sure the best way forward. Definitely starting on that asap! With your advice and suggestions, our family will definitely spend time doing that.


You are very helpful Stephanie. 


If you or anyone from the Airbnb team comes to Barbados, would you be so kind as to pay us a visit at Providence Estate Oistins Barbados? You don't necessarily have to stay at our Airbnb ha! (supercool though) but we would love to meet up and chat and enjoy the island. Let us know. We would be happy to have you!


Thanks again,


Hi Stephanie,


We took your advice and launched our Facebook page, Providence Estate Barbados. We have alot of work to do but we ensured we have our photos up, I made a short video and put as much in the description as possible to lead potential guests to the airbnb site. Since that we received a few enquiries.


Thanks again,


Level 2
Trinidad and Tobago

Hi Everyone,


Call me Abie! My listing is in Trinidad, W.I. up since December 2018. I have hosted only once thus far (with that booking being made two days after listing), one booking in for next year (which came in late last month), and another group was due to check-in last Saturday (27.Apr.2019) but cancelled 30mins after the agreed check-in time.

Airbnb has been an experience for me! I have had several emotions on whether I'm making sense doing this or if I'm really fooling myself.


Getting started, I did a bit of research on tips for successful property listings and learnt that I needed to put effort into my pictures to make it appealing to potential guests... I still am not certain if I have acheived that or if I am missing the mark... but I am trying. I also reach out to persons that have hosted me in the U.S. for their advice as Superhosts... and I followed their lead on things like giving myself enough time between bookings for cleaning... Also setting a minimum number of days for booking to remain profitable, etc...In an effort to make my listing attractive, I also offer free airport transfers as I really appreciate that from hotels when I am travelling as well. Although breakfast is not included (which I'm seriously considering), I've provided chef services as an option at an additional cost.


I listed just in time for our Trinidad Carnival season when places were going like hot buns here... and while I expected that someone would book for the Carnival season, i was really surprised by how quickly they found me. 


One of my main concerns though is always that I know the quality / standard of space and service I want to provide... but I am always very skeptical on what is a fair price for both the guests and for me. Pricing for me is the hardest part of all because I compare my space to other local Airbnbs as well as hotel rooms, and also consider the indepth amount of effort and dedication I put into preparing for my quests and making sure their expectations will be exceeded, that I expend a great deal of time and cost to maintain the standards I like to provide.


Its tough... because I'm at the higher end of the price range compared to my competition, but I know its worth it for my guests! Its just to get the guests to know that. I'm thinking that reviews may get me there... but I dont have enough stays to get the reviews I need... So now I'm thinking maybe I should lower my rate significantly to get more stays = more reviews... waow them... and as the place becomes higher in demand, gradually increase my price to where stays can then be reasonably profitable.


I welcome any suggestions...