
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

How did you attract your first booking?

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

How did you attract your first booking?

Attract your first booking.jpg


Hello everyone,


Thinking back to when you first joined Airbnb, before you got your first booking.


What did you do to make your listing attractive, to entice your first guest to book your home?


Did it take you long to welcome your first guest?





Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

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Top Answer
Level 3
Bali, Indonesia

Well for me, Airbnb was an unexpected event which literally saved my A**


Whilst  staying in Singapore for a few nights while waiting for my saxophone to be repaired I was listening to the radio in my hotel room and a short news item sounded talking about Airbnb. I had never heard about Airbnb and it was something which was on my mind on how to rent out my villa in Bali.


 It was funny as I had to scramble around to find a pen as the wording Airbnb so new to me, I was worried I may forget, as it happened, I lost the paper and did remember the word Airbnb and the rest is history.


 I had no real plan or experience in letting out property to strangers, therefore many mistakes were made and a great rush of ideas ran through my mind during the first year which caused  lots of anxiety as I knew what had to be done to improve matters. I was extremely lucky with the first guest as they wrote a good review but after that the reviews were mediocre but I was thankful to the guests who privately told me where I could improve.


 From that day onwards it became an addiction or rather a hobby to make everything wonderful and to make the guests feel happy. In the beginning I papered over the cracks with my personality and friendly approach which made up any shortcomings that were still lingering.


 I had a lot of contact with the guests who came to the Villa as I lived next door and it was easy for me to assist them and for me to learn more about what they really want from an Airbnb. I was also lucky  because my wife could make scrumptious food and in the beginning we offered this as an extra service and complimentary breakfast on their first day.


After a few years of hosting we finally became a super host which was the goal  as I could see the many benefits of being a super host on the Airbnb platform. Now in my fifth year I have encountered many types of people and rarely do I feel anxious when the new guest arrives. 


I now have everything perfect for hosting but still tweak, for example moving furniture around matching different colours and improving the interior to produce a calm relaxing environment. This is something I enjoy and did not realise  I have a little inner talent within this department. I know it can be expensive to update your property but it’s well worth it if you’re in for the long haul. 


 I also learnt a few wise things on the way in relation to mixing and socialising with this guests. In the early days I was always happy when the guests would invite me in for a drink as why not this is life and people are fun.  However some guests like to drink far too much which does not mix with my character but on one occasion because the guest was a music fanatic and a professional drummer in his younger days we stayed up late till 3 am swimming naked together in the pool and making music while his wife and daughter trying to sleep. 


 It was only when his wife stood outside the bedroom and shouting to the husband that it’s now nearly 4 am and she has not slept all night and would you stop making that noise and come to bed. Well looking back how embarrassing that was for me, I’m not too sure about the husband but for me it was the final time in getting really close to the guests as you need to distance yourself and to act professionally as you never know when it all might go wrong.

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131 Replies 131
Level 5
New York, NY

I will answer from a GUEST perspective and i am currently wrapping up my first stay. 


I was attracted to this listing because they were also new and had a 20% discount. Plus they had a weekly discount. I booked for two weeks. 


Because I book long stays I only book if there is a discount. Unless the price is already low.


Great pictures specifically of the room you are renting and the front of the house help a guest to decide. 


Most important is a photo of yourself and verified status. That helps us feel we can trust you .


You should put bus information.  Like if there is a busline near you. That makes it feel like you are considerate of those who do not drive.


If you have pets be clear about that.  Non-smoking or smoking should also be clear. Be clear about your check-in/check-out method. 


Also, do not be afraid to have rules listed. But be polite about it. Make sure you do not sound controlling or like a dictator. You want people to feel welcome. 


If you live in a not so great area be upfront about it so people know what to expect.  


Clean your house thoroughly.  Try to use room fresheners that are safe for people with allergies.  Refrain from strong scents. 


I would keep writing but this is already long enough.

Level 2
Hillerød, Denmark

I listed 2 weeks ago and already have my first guest staying at the moment and 3 more bookings to come. However one of them appearantly booked in order to find sleeping places for a familyparty she is having. When i asked if she booked for her self and only one,  person she ignored the question and asked if she could come and have a look at the room. How would you handle that? 

Yestreday was my first hosting. I listed for Airbnb a few months ago, but I  took time to update my listing.


Last week I reviewed my listing and got three requests. 


In one case I belive I messed up, as I had not updated for multiple guests. My rates were therefore showing 0 additional cost for extra guests... lol.


One did not follow up after pre-approving.


The third one got through.


She is a lovely lady from Burundi, and I am having fun hosting for the very first time.


I am excited to finally host!!!



Level 1
Kópavogur, Iceland

hi Im new host and never had any can I attract them??  I have been listed since 3 weeks

Hi Oddny,


Im fairly new co-host (about 5 months in) and the team and I are on our 12th check-in. Attractions and methods vary according to the host and your standards.


What may work for one may not work for the other but the general consensus when conducting research are the tips Airbnb sends you. 

1. Be honest about your listing, list out your house rules (not dictatorship but yet firm) but not too much. You can save the rules for a check-in handbook.

2. Professional photos. It costs you nothing to market your own place. It truly catches the eye. It helped ours even more.

3. Find out what about your listing is the big seller. Is it the kitchen, the pool, the backyard, the proximity to shopping, the rustic look? Whatever it is sell it with love.

4. Have a nice profile. People get people.

5. Use social media. I am personally not a social media fan but its the times and you have to find a balance. 

6. Update the page, meet other hosts.

7. Know your place's value. Dont underprice or overprice. Set your target market.

8. Put love into your spaces. Decorate it with themes or just want you like. Let it tell a story.


I hope that helps. I received help and along with personal research and past experiences I got through. Your first booking may take 3 months or a year but when it comes make sure its the best and top that. Reviews help.


Good luck 

from Barbados 

Hi Oddny, which listing? You have one for a house but it only has 1 picture- that of the exterior. 


The “modern flat” looks very nice and clean, but also very gray and dark.  Can you brighten it up with pictures that include sunlight and touches of color?   You should also offer lower pricing relative to similar listings to start out.  


Hope that helps!


I agree with Kathy. Bright photos and taking the right angles helps the listing alot. Hire a professional photograher to take the shots. As you gradually increase amenities you can take the photos yourself with a good camera. For any reno, a professional photographer again or if you are good at that and have the right equipment and good eye for that, go for it! I don't think lower pricing matters in my opinon. If you know the house has value, have excellent and honest write up, make sure you list all the importants do's and don'ts (highlighting more of the do's or benefits), you can sell your place easy. 

Level 2
Dothan, AL

Hello. I just publish my list. I am reading and look everything I found about Airbnb to learn how to be a Host.

So excited waiting my 1st guest.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hey @Malvina11,


Lovely to meet you. Have you hosted your first guests yet? 


If so, I hope it all went well. 🙂 


Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

Hello Lizzie. Nice to meet you too.

Yes I had hosted my first guest and others. I am busy since May 15 when I joined Airbnb. My price is too low and the guest like it. I am waiting till Airbnb make changes.

How about you? How long are you Hosting?


Level 10
Sydney, Australia

Hi all,

I've been listing for about 2 weeks and got 6 bookings so far. However, I only see 30% occupancy rate of next 30 days and 14% of next 90 days. I know it's not the best season for Sydney, but I'm still a bit disappointed.

Maybe things are getting better until I have more reviews or super host badge? Any advices would be highly appreciated!

Level 2
Rexburg, ID

Thank you!  I found this article very useful. 

Level 2
York, United Kingdom

Should you have a nice space and it's not too pricey I think its easy... I took my own photos and still do (as actually the professional ones I got in between were awful) and continue to tweak. I did listen to feedback..up to a point because you actually cannot keep everyone happy... you can go with smart pricing to start with but then set your own minimum because you are worth it! Good luck! 

Agreed. We use smart pricing as well as offer a special surrounding a specific event our island is celebrating. For examply many persons fly in for our annual carnival called Crop Over. Even though the season runs May to August. May is usually dead so we created a 222 special where from june 22 to aug 22 our nightly rate is 222 and this has generated some bookings. The place truly sells itself as well as the story behind it and all the hosts. 


We recommend professional photography and get get at least 25 good shots to keep the eye captivated. Any minor upgrades or amenities can use a phone with good lighting an angle, highlight the best feature.


Researching other listings nearby as see what hotels are doing can help. You do not always have to lower the price or lower it by alot but I believe social media presence truly gets the word out.


I hope this helps.

Level 2
Guelph, Canada

It was my dream to own a "century" house in my town, and when the opportunity to buy a 120 year old + house arose, we pounced. The bonus was that the house that was already divided into 3 units, and the previous owner had taken immaculate care of the units. We took over 2 of the units and turned them into our part of the home.

We renovated the 3rd (and brightest/nicest) unit ourselves and made sure to choose things that we loved, and chose furniture and decor that matched our theme (playing up the age of the house). We added in a few special/personal touches, like antique trinkets and old framed photos of our city around the era when the house was built (courtesy of our local museum) and then hired a professional photographer to come in and take photos.

In less than 2 hours of posting our listing we had 3 bookings! I feel like the photos are what has really helped us- they were an investment that I would highly recommend to anyone. The most helpful review we've had from a guest has been that the space looks exactly like the photos, which was like music to our ears. Plus, I'm a terrible photographer, so it was great to have the help from someone with a better artistic vision than myself 🙂