Michigan Lansing Hello I'm interested in connecting with loc...
Michigan Lansing Hello I'm interested in connecting with local hosts.I have a largeskill and experience background in propert...
My husband and i have a listing but we are going to be very bussy in the future months and we were thinking in getting someone to co host our place while we are busy or out of town?
Our question is;
How much does a co host gets paid?
Thanks in advance !
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That's up to you and your co-host to decide, and depends upon how much work they are doing for you. Rates seem to vary from 7% - 50%.
Questions to discuss:
Are they handling all the bookings, replies, emails, etc for you?
Are they handling the cleaning? What about simple maintenance?
Are they on-call for the guests?
You can pay your co-host a straight percentage and keep the cleaning fee (if you charge one), or give them the clening fee and a (usually lower) percentage of the booking fee.
We pay our co-host a straight 40% (his preference) and we keep the cleaning fee to offset that cost. He handles all the cleaning, bookings, emails, phone calls, everything except paying the taxes, etc., which we obviously have to take care of.
Hope that helps.
Hi Kirstie,
Where can I find more information about the co-host structure (AirBnb's "regs")?
Santa Monica has a new stipulation that a host must live on the property at all times,
so co-hosting may not be possible in this City. But a friend who lives nearby in another
town has asked me to co-host. I want to explore the issue a bit more with other co-hosts.
Where is the best discussion group for that?
I'm confused by the co-hosting arrangement. I want to pay my co-host for the bookings that I can't cover, but not for every booking I receive since I will cover most of them. Is there a way to designate that in the calendar? Or is it all or nothing?
Hi Tom,
I have the exact same question. Many times I can take care of things myself, but when I go on vacation and have multiple groups of guests staying, I have found a co-host to come clean/get the house ready after the first guests leave. But she would only be paid a percentage of the total payment of the guests that she was cleaning up after, not for all reservations. (I'm doing all the communicating with guests, etc., so her payment would only be tied to the guests with the reservation that she's cleaning up after.) I don't see a way to invite her only for specific reservations. Have you been able to get any further information about how to do this?
Hi Jacqui,
I still have not found a solution for this within the platform. We just had to settle up with our co-host off book as it were. Have you learned anything else? -Tom
Hi Tom,
I talked to someone at Airbnb and they said that they did not have an option to only select a co-host for specific reservations, that the co-host would be added to every reservation automatically. (This was a few months ago, so maybe there have been changes since then, but that was the last I heard!) So, I'm going to remove her as a co-host on the site, and just work offline to figure out payment.
With removing the payment option, this is now possible.
So as a co-host, do each co-host booking go towards the $20,000 plus over 200 reservations to get a 1099 rule? i.e. would each reservation I co-host go towards those figures? you say the co-host does everything but pay the taxes...just curious how this works. Thanks