How to get more bookings?

How to get more bookings?

Hello everyone.
I hope we are doing great.
Please wondering if any one could assist me with this challenge.

I listed my airbnb apartment August last 2021.
Looking at my calendar and cash flow, I have only had bookings on weekends.
Is there any thing I could do to get bookings during the week?.
Also long stays please?

I have heard some hosts say they open calendar for one or two weeks, what does that mean and how do I do that please?

Anything to get more bookings will be helpful.

Thanks immensely.

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico



You have not seemed to have read and acted on what your guests have mentioned in their reviews re accuracy. One of your guests, whose review was otherwise very nice, pointed out all the inaccuracies in your listing and you have not corrected any of them. 

You apparently have amenities checked off that do not exist.   


Why does it say "Ski in-ski-out"?  You aren't on a ski hill, right? 

Go through the anenities list and make sure you remove what you do not offer.


I got the impression reading your description that English is not your first language. It is full of spelling and grammar errors and very odd expressions. Do you know what a "decent" bathroom means to a native English speaker? It means it is just barely acceptable.


So the first thing you need to do is find a native English speaker who can help you rewrite your listing info, clean it up so it makes sense, and fix the inaccuracies in your amenities list.


And what does "corporate" mean in your listing title? 


I'm not sure what you are asking re "opening the calendar". You can set minimum and maximuum booking lengths in your settings and you can have your calendar open 3 months, 6 months, a year or more in advance.


And I would not advise you to take "long stays" if you mean a month or more. 2 or 3 weeks, or 28 days max, is plenty for you to start out with. And Airbnb isn't a good platform for hosts for what amounts to having a tenant, as opposed to a guest.



Thank  you Sarah.

Yes I will  update the listing and get rid of any typo or grammatical error. 

The comment concerning amenities made by on the  guest’s  review had been corrected and provisions made  in the apartment  for a long time now.


It didn’t occur to me that the  ‘Ski-in-Sky- out’ is still there. It will be removed soonest. 

My calendar is already opened for 12months 

The long stays that I mean include 3,7,13 and 28 days stay. 


The name of the Company is Corporate Accommodations  and Relocations UK Limited. 

Any idea of how to embark on such result oriented promotions please? 




I realize that "Corporate" is part of your profile name, but "corporate" makes no sense in the title of your listing.


If someone is looking for a 7/14/28 day stay, when they enter dates, as long as your minimum stay length setting allows that, your listing will be visible to them.


A 3 night stay is not a "long stay". Long stays are generally considered to be a month or more. My minimum stay is 3 nights and most of my guests book at least a week.


If you don't want the work of cleaning and preparing the place for only a one or two night stay, set your minimum stay length to 2 or 3 nights.


You can set discounts for week-long and month-long stays. You can mention this in your listing description.