Its 3 days after payment without confirmation code, can i cancel. Airbnb cant find my reservation after payment. What do i do?

Its 3 days after payment without confirmation code, can i cancel. Airbnb cant find my reservation after payment. What do i do?

It's over 48 hours after payment no confirmation code yet.  What can I do, can I cancel 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada



Your profile is very new.  Did you book on the official Airbnb site?


I suspect that if Airbnb can't find the booking, you may have been scammed.😔😔


Hopefully, you can dispute the charge with your credit card company.

Level 10
West Palm Beach, FL

@Oluwakemi2 What do you mean no confirmation code? Did you “request” to book someone’s place? If so they should respond to you sooner than 48 hours but there’s not necessarily a “confirmation code”. Or did the app allow you to “instant book” a place? If so, there is an “upcoming” tab on Airbnb & should show all of your future reservations.