How do I communicate that there will be a fee assessed for l...
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How do I communicate that there will be a fee assessed for late check outs? Where do I put that in the listing?
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I had a rental that arrived on 28th December, so i should have been paid on the 29th December. Nothing arrived. January 2nd or maybe 3rd they said i needed to update my bank details (which haven't changed in 30 years!). So i update my bank details with the same details, and to prove how easy it is for AIRNBN to pay me they deposit £0.01 to my account 2 days ago. However 7th January today and i still haven't been paid.
I don't want any excuses, just want people to know!
@Robin4 Lol! I didn't mean that you are one of those enabling it Rob - I've seen you kick off here on the CC at Airbnb's injustices too many times to ever accuse you of that! Sorry, I should have made that clearer! 😉
@Robin4 Your book looks amazing, Rob - what an achievement! I'd love to have a read of it - where can I buy a copy? You must be very proud of that work - 1027 pages! That must have taken you quite some time to put together!
Yes, Still ploughing ahead with my own book, though there are many days (and late, late nights!) that I'm so exhausted and worn out with the whole thing that I just feel like throwing the towel in altogether, but the truth is, I've worked far too hard and far too long on it to walk away at this point! It just seems never-ending though, and every day brings up more and more material that throws a whole new spanner in the works - every time I think I have the whole story down, somebody contacts me with something I hadn't heard before, or I dig up some new piece of information or discover a new piece of the puzzle, so it's pretty head-wrecking trying to slot it all in together, in a cohesive fashion.
It's not that I haven't got enough to work with - it's that I have far, far too much to fit in a single book! I've been in talks for the past several months with a prolific documentary crew about the possibility of a docu-series though, so that's a definite option too. (A lot of the material I have is complex and technical - labarynthine legal, regulatory, financial stuff etc - and it's extremely difficult to write down in a manner that's concise and easily understood, while still holding the reader's attention, so it would be much easier to absorb and comprehend in spoken, visual form)
One good thing about taking on this herculean task though, is that I've had a thorough schooling in lots of topics I would have been utterly clueless about before - legal matters, corporate and business practices, stock markets, ethics, finance, equity/vulture funds, regulatory matters in different jurisdictions, contract terms etc etc - so I suppose you could say it broadened my horizons somewhat! My friends all say I should apply for a Private Detective license now, as my research skills have become so honed ;))
Given the subject matter, the timing, and recent developments - particularly since Halloween - there's exciting interest in the book, and thankfully, in my case, I don't really have to worry about the publishing houses wanting me to have a name. I have 4 years worth of previous material that I've written, right here on the CC and elsewhere, and a long-established and proven track record in the arena that I'm writing about, so my credentials all check out for any I've spoken with already.
There have been a few substantial stumbling blocks for me on a personal level though. I like the quiet, private, anonymous life, but on the remote off-chance that the book were to be a success, I'm really not the type that would want to be out there in the public eye, doing book signings and PR events and all that kind of thing. However, as the book is also intertwined with my own story and experiences, which run in tandem to the main story, I've been told that that it would be a prerequisite, and I wouldn't really have an option. Makes my blood run cold just thinking about it!
Then there's the whole world of pain and trouble that blowing the lid off the pot could rain down on me of course, as there'd be quite a few very rich, very powerful people who'll be seriously pissed off with what I'd be exposing. I have my family to consider first and foremost, and the possible repercussions for them too if the sh*t hits the fan - these things can get very ugly, very quickly - which has been by far my biggest fear and concern for a long time, and the one thing that held me back, up until now. But I have discussed it with them all over Christmas, at length, and they're all adamant that I absolutely must fire ahead, whatever the consequences. So, watch this space.. 😉
You obviously have your strategy mapped out and I understand what you are saying about unwanted consequences. A terrible thought, but Sue, have you thought about what it might be worth to have this manuscript disappear??? Sorry, I know what you are doing is from the heart!
From one amateur to another, make it readable, don't get too bogged down in business and corporate double talk. You know as well as I do people get bored easily.
Concentrate on the human side of hurt individuals, the desperation of running around in circles, things in life they held dear, lost, tug at peoples heartstrings. The megalithic conglomerate with no compassion!
I spent 25 pages in that book describing one person who awoke after a drugged night out to find himself alone and trapped underground in a totally dark cave. I spend 18 pages describing a love scene in the softest nicest tasteful way possible! Where I could, I gave it a real human element!
I am pi**ed off that I had to self publish! If I had the resources of Pan Macmillan's, Harper Collins, Big Sky, I may have sold a real bag full of copy, everyone loved it, just not enough people heard about it or came across it to make it a literary success!
If you have a publisher on side, great, that's a major hurdle crossed!
Gee, I so wish you luck with this, you're a gutsy girl!
Nothing to do with discrimination - Airbnb is an equal opportunities payout withholder... several hundred examples below.
Very Slow Payouts
Missing Payouts
Guest Stayed And Didn't Complete Payment - No Payout For Hosts
I Haven't Received A Payout
Delayed Or Missing Payments To Host
Australians Having Issues With Payments
Payout Delay
Problem With Payout Method
Payment Not Received
Just on the subject of discrimination, as i notice a few have categorically stated it has nothing to do with discrimination, discrimination doesn't have to be confined to race and indeed i wasn't referring to race. Can someone tell me if the 7 day late payout is just for hosts in foreign countries and hosts in the USA are paid out 24hours after a guest checks in? If this is the case then i'd suggest it is discrimination because there is no justification to payout so late.
@Michael-And-Mariluz0 If you bother to read through the threads that @Susan17 took the time to post here, you'll see that the reports of missing payouts come from all over the world.
Including the USA?
@Michael-And-Mariluz0 I don't understand why you continue to ask this- you can read through those threads as easily as anyone else can, where it is obvious that this payout problem exists all over, including the US.
I'm also noticing 'payment in process' for a guest who checked in 4 nights ago and who checks out in 2 days - wow!
I am having an issue with Airbnb and I find that the responses are totally brainless. Are there humans or computers dealing with issues?