Could you please help me get my new listing to the top ra...
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Could you please help me get my new listing to the top rank and attract more bookings? Also please share the feedback on m...
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Why are some Host allowed to deceptively price their units with the low ball price during peak season? Is this not dishonesty? What do you think about this type of promotion being unfair to Host that are not deceptively advertising? Is honesty not the basis of Airbnb's standards? Does Airbnb promote deceptive pricing? Jean
@Ned-And-Laura0 wrote:Does Maria know what a complete nutbar Jean is?
is Jean a man or woman? I just cant reconcile this picture of the lady and the word: Lee Iacocca coming out of her mouth
[Content hidden] From a common sense standpoint, when you feel that EVERYONE else is wrong about something and you spend all your time proclaiming that you’re the only one who is right, well... I also think it’s pretty amusing that Jean argues for the fact that the “advertised” price (by which he obviously means the price that pops up during a generic search) should be the price that a guest pays anytime, yet people who see his generic price and click on the listing will end up paying a very different price with extra person fees, cleaning fee, etc. Also, if his listing is indeed the gold standard of hosting and he is booked solid always, why is he so worried about the so-called deceptive pricing which he obviously feels give others an unfair advantage? Clearly with his superior ethics, business practice, and hosting excellence he has nothing to worry about.
@Maria-and-Jean0 you have got to be kidding me! How can you call me a follower because of running my businnes the way I find appropriate? I don't harm people too, does that mean I am a follower of the normal kind of human?If so I am glad to accept the titule. Why are you so frustrated? Just go with the way you run your business since you say you are already booked and with better guests and let us have the bad guests without calling us liars because we obviously are not! No one will book if the price is too high for them no matter what price they see in the begining. I don't see why you take such pride in having the same prices, it is your way of doing business so just go with it, the world isn't going to change their opinion just because you decidied that you want things done in a certain way. Would you like us also to set all of our prices to 139$ a night everywhere in the world so that you have even better chances to get booked? Or you just want to fight on forums because I see that you only reply with insults and inconstructive comments. And no, @Letti is not drunk or darf, she is an experinced host that you might learn something from.
@Maria-and-Jean0 wow what a constructive argument to convince everyone you are right! I am impressed, these five pages of experinced hosts opinions must mean nothing to you since you are always right aparently. You do nothing but post tge same link over and over again and insult people. [Content hidden]
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@Maria-and-Jean0 so now you see how it feels to have a discussion with you, looking only for a fight 😉
Ana we have not had a conversation. I have talked & listened. You have talked but you haven't listened. Please go away....
I am sure you are.. just go away from me... or else I will have to report you for harassment.. your choice
@Maria-and-Jean0 If anyone should report someone for harassment it's should be ME! You have called me a drunk, daft, idoit, multiple times called me a lair, told me I stupid and using words that don't exist when clearly it was a typo of the word deception I left out the "p" oops makes me an idiot basically. There's more, but not worth looking them all up. I posted photo's that documented what I stated and you told me I insane basically and needed glass, I was an idoit and a liar and much more. You do not have information informing your guests of the extra guest fee in the listing at lesst now at the time of this posting, but you will probably add it now just to call me a liar again. It was not there when I first looked , the second when your listings miraculously reappeared after you denied pulling them again calling me names, a lair and more. When I gave you photo proof you denied pulling them and called me names and a liar again that they were there. I just looked again now and no where on your site is it listed about extra guest fees, but I'm the liar again. I am sure.
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true.. you are the liar again..
@Maria-and-Jean0 Anyone can compare my photos from your listing before and tell you the sites were pulled by your profile photos I took. It now looks like this below where listings show up again on your profile after you put them back up. There is still no extra guest remark. This is what is in my House Rules: After 6 guests there is an extra guest charge applied. You do not have a statement like you said on either listing. So stop calling me a liar. Also you headline on the one listing is still wrong. Your rate is $129 and the headline says $139.
@Maria-and-Jean0 wrote:true.. you are the liar again..
i do appreciate your tenacity Jean