Longer stay discount

Longer stay discount

Apologies as am guessing this has been covered previously!


I have a guest presently booked for 5 days. He has just messaged to say he would like to book for a further 15 days and can I offer a discount?


How much should I offer and how do I go about implementing it? ( while happy to give a discount I am not inclined to go mad as prev two longer stayers have resulted in having to do some redecorating on their departure. )

It is listed as no pets for several reasonable reasons. He also said in his message that he had his dog with him briefly. Should I just let this one go?

Thank you very much in advance for time and advice!

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



The guest can use the "change" option on the reservation to sent you a change request for the extension. The guest can also add the pet.


As a host you can also use this "change " option, with extra feature to amend the price (click in the price-field on the change form).


You can also add the pet in the change-form. As you probably have not set a pet fee in your listing ("no pets" set) you can (officially) not charge a pet fee , but you can include some extra money in your total price.