Looking for a property manager in Hastings England

Level 2
Fort Worth, TX

Looking for a property manager in Hastings England



We are own a flat in Hastings England and live in the US.  We are looking for a property manager or a co-host.  Any suggestions on how to find one from afar? Thanks for any help.  

18 Replies 18

Hi Alexander


My name is Diane, I live in Hastings and I’m am Airbnb property manager.


If you haven’t already found help with your property, I’d like to offer my services.


I already manage for another company and am looking to take on more work.


I look forward to hearing from you and I can give you my mobile number then.


Best regards


Diane McIntyre




Level 4
London, United Kingdom

Good luck with that.  

I have friends with a holiday home in Hastings, and they can't even find a cleaner down there.  Since Brexit, there's no one to do the work. 

They have to clean it themselves now, which they hate, so they're selling it.  

Hi Heather


Are your friends still looking for a cleaner in Hastings?


I’m an Airbnb cleaner, based in Hastings and I’m looking to increase my hours.


Best regards


Diane McIntyre


Level 2
London, United Kingdom


Have you found a property manager in Hastings?
