Greetings Helen, Thank you for your response. Based on your ...
Greetings Helen, Thank you for your response. Based on your reply, it seems you may not have personally experienced racism, d...
Any other hosts experiencing missing payments from Airbnb? It first happened to me earlier this year. It was just one payment that time and only a few hundred dollars. After 3 days and receiving no notice of payout I called and spent hours on the email and phone with airbnb. They finally acknowledged their error and issued the payment. For my hours of trouble they sent me a coffee mug. This time the missing payouts total nearly $2k. I have already spent much time trying to get it corrected. So far I am just getting the "we are checking into it" email message. The original rep I spoke with acknowledged to me that there was a mistake made. So now I just get to sit and wait for them to hopefully correct their error again. I wonder if I will get another coffee mug. Frankly I would rather just timely get my payouts and without having to waste hours of my time to get them. Anyway just wondering if this is happening to other hosts and also a heads up to other hosts to be sure to keep track of your payouts.
To join the recent gang, I also am missing a payment with a check in of July 1st for 3 nights. Have been in contact with CS and they clam they released the payment. As others have said, I did not get the email saying the payment was released. In my transaction history, the reservation is completely missing. Nothing has shown up on my banking account that the payment is pending. I have gotten the standard "we will get back to you" with no replies back. I have tried phone calls, emails and twitter and no results or even an admission of error on BnB's part.
Earlier on the thread I answered one person but YES ! starting July 1st Airbnb has received a hack it's disrupting large dollar amounts (payouts only) $1,000 or more. I am going to be reaching out to Michael Finney with 7 On Your Side (415) 954-8151..... who is a local San Francisco Bay Area investigative team who will get to the bottom of it and expose the problem. Airbnb should spend more on their data security there headquarter is right in the Bay Area.... my wife sells network security and they believe "their Engineers' can handle themselves rather than having proper penetration tests, security software, etc. Basically going about it like a financial institution would? Oh and by the way I'm out $3,200 for the 5-day stay at our fourth of July Independence Day week in Lake Tahoe
I am sure 'this 'Michael' will have a lot of positive suggestions how to fix it, since he is on 'our' side. I had 17k issue with Airbnb and took them a week to straighten out, things happen, it is not like Airbnb is taking off with the money or denying the mistake.
I also am missing a large $1,000+ payout from a July 1 guest. I have been on the phone and messaging customer support and have had a constant "we are working on it". I have tried to reach customer support every day and, until today, had a total black out of communication from them from last Thursday.
My tennant stayed, and I was never paid. More disconcerning is that when I go to look at my earnings the reservation is not even there. Theses guests were my only guests for July and my July earnings are listed in the bar graph as 0, and in the transaction history window the reservation does not show up in either completed or upcoming payouts.
This is very upsetting - as I am sure it is for all of us - as I depend on my AirBNB income for bills and my mortgage. I realize that Air BNB is trying to sort it out. I also see this as an internal airBNB problem and as clearly I, and others here, have not been paid, they could pay us out and work on their internal bugs and hacks on their own time.
We all fulfilled our obligations to Air BNB and our guests. We could be paid now while and before AirBNB repairs its computers.
Yes I agree with Everything you said. My guests have left now. They had checked in July 1. No deposit. Not in transaction history. Shows no earning for July!! Dismayed to say the least.
Has anyone heard from Airbnb concerning missed payouts for July 1st check-ins? I found this thread on the community was not easy to find; it was burried in older threads from 2016-17. Unless you sort by date you won't realize it is a current issue. Where is Airbnb customer support?
The support is useless I've been on the phone with them for the past five days you cannot get anywhere
same thing i experienced. i think I must have re-explained airbnbs failure to make my payouts about 50 times over the last 5 days. usually I would get put on a really long hold and then accidentally get hung up on.
@Susan723so it only affects payments of 1st July check-ins and over 1000$ right? Because we had 2 check ins on July 1st and received both payouts, but they were both under 1000$
I have no idea what the real reason was/Is. The two july 1 payouts missing from my transaction history were seperately under 1k ... but totalled $1760. after 5 days of emails, calls and social media blasts airbnb did finally today correct the transaction history to include these payouts...and it does appear that they have issued the corresponding payouts to my bank. I have not received them yet but at least hopeful that I will in the near future. No explanation why this happened ... me. My main thought is how many small amounts has airbnb collected and not paid to me in the past. I have three separate properties so I have a lot of transaction activity. In both of the instances where airbnb has done this to me it was only investigated and corrected because I noticed it and reported it. That is why I am warning all hosts to keep close track of their transactions and payouts.
Susan, good to hear that your problem has been solved.
My July 1 payout was $260.93 and it has not been credited, so it must be affecting smaller payouts also.
looks like not only me have this problem - some technical issue (?)
I did not get my payout from my guets for 7 nights - staying at my cottage from July1-8. so many hosts was not paid at this "black" July 2018... customer service say - payment was released, but it wasn't ...
There is missing information in my transaction history - zero information - no future payout , no paid money... what is going on with my payout of $749.38. please help me with this ... ? what should I do now?
I'm also having trouble with a payout which was due on July 1st, for about 300$.
For me it hasn't disappeared from transaction history, but it's still under upcoming payments.
I have a new payout due today, curious about how that will go...