My payment has been paused..I can't receive payment now..

Level 1
Ankara, Türkiye

My payment has been paused..I can't receive payment now..

ödemem duraklatıldı..şuan ödeme alamıyorum..

ben kuzey kıbrısta ev sahipliği yapıyorum. burası ab üyesi değil. ben vergi bilgileri giremiyorum.. bu yüzden ödemem duraklatıldı..şuan ödeme alamıyorum.. bu durumun  düzeltilmesini istiyorum


Translation added by Community Manager: I am hosting in northern Cyprus. This is not a member of the EU. I cannot enter tax information. That's why my payment has been paused. I cannot receive payment now. I want this situation to be corrected.

1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi there @Yagmur5


Whilst we're here to help with general queries, we're unable to look at specific account related queries, so it would be best to get in touch with Airbnb Support for them to look into this for you. 


Please let me know how you get on. 




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