My registration on New York City short term rental not working

Level 2
New York, NY

My registration on New York City short term rental not working

I cannot rent my room for sort term rent even I registered on New York City website and received OSE number. When I typed in the OSE number OSE-STRAPP-xxxxxxx in airbnb 'Add your registration number' page, they did not take it. I already paid $149 for the registration and it's not refundable.


I contacted airbnb. They asked me to call New York City. I called 311, they cannot help me. I do not know how to do now.

28 Replies 28

Hii, where do you enter your license number on Airbnb site? I went under “notifications settings” then “local laws & regulations” and there is nowhere to enter registration number? 
Any help would be much appreciated! 
Thanks in advance!

Hello Usher,

  I think we are in the same situation that you were dealing with earlier. We received our registration number after waiting 5 months for OSE to process our application. Now airbnb says that the address doesn’t match (they can’t figure out how exactly), and that they can’t do anything. We’re stuck. Any advice?


@Usher1  can you let us know please what did the trick for so the rest of the community can also figure this out! 



A new host whose registration id isnt working 

I am also having this problem. We’re you able to resolve it yet?

Level 2
New York, United States

I think you are confused with the number. That's is not the approval, this is only the number of your case. You have to check up your status online and read what is the progress. Did you received recently any email from the city?

Level 1
New York, NY

The issue seems to be that if you address has "___th Street, such as "West 59th Street", NYC no longer recognizes "th" and "rd".  It is now, W. 59 Street. I have tried to start a new listing without "th" but the Airbnb wouldn't let me use such an address. (123 West 59 St.) So now, those of us with numbered street address are screwed. And I am giving up hopes...



Level 1
New York, United States

Have you fixed your issues yet? I  have same issues with you .

Hi There

Any luck with fixing this issue - we are having the same issue and I am not sure where to restart?

Level 2
New York, United States

Have you had any luck in resolving this? 


Some things to point out.


1.) I applied for a OSE number without a Listing ID Number.


2.) OSE Application Approved.


3.) To input OSE Number, I now have a issue due to the listing number generated by AIRBNB on the AIRBNB website. Everything checks out on the OSE application versus my Address on AIRBNB.


4.) How is this now a problem with the city? Why can't Airbnb change the Listing ID number. Is there a issue with the listing number because someone else has a registered Airbnb in the building causing me issues?


I can't get enough traction with anyone to get this solved. Months of $$ wasted including application fees. 



@Daniel12575 Your best option is to email OSE they are pretty fast.  Asking to link your registration to your listing. Send them url to your listing as well in that email. Once they link it considering the name and address on your STR registration matched airbnb. It should go through easily. 

Have you been able to resolve this issue by any chance? We are experiencing exactly the same problem and have are running in circles with Airbnb Support...


Airbnb doesn't seem to be able to fix it and I don't think the City is going to help either...

Hello have you been able to fix this? This is not what I was expected to happen after we waited for 5 months. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Ludolph0I came across your comment on an inactive old thread. I’d highly recommend that you create a new discussion with your question, this way more hosts can see your post and share their advice 😊 You can create a post here ✍🏼

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Hi JoAnn3

did you figure out how to get this resolved? We are in the same boat. 


