New Host

New Host

Hi, my name is Natalie! I am a new host looking for advice and help getting guests to my new AIrbnb!I have a had a couple of bad experiences so I am hoping to learn how to make this a more enjoyable experience. Any suggestions would be appreciated on how to boost my listing! Thank you!

5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

What bad experiences have you had? @Natalie1323 


how do you vet guests to ensure they're a good fit for your listing ? 

My first guest cancelled, yet still stay the night on my property. The guest broke all of my check-in, check-out, and house rules. The guest tried to take advantage of my kindness and eagerness to please. The second guest never responded to any of my messages and completely ignored me. I have been spammed with guests trying to stay, but I think they were frauds. I only allow guests that don’t have any bad reviews, but obviously that is not working. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Natalie1323 👋


It's lovely to see you joining in conversations on the Community Center! I just wanted to pop by and share that if you type "@" and then the username, this will tag the member that you're replying to. This ensures that they get a notification that you've replied to them specifically 🤗  

I hope this helps to keep the conversation flowing with @Helen3 , and if you've got any questions, just ask. 


Have a wonderful day! 🌼



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Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

How was the first guest able to access your property if the booking was cancelled @Natalie1323 did you manage to charge the guest for their stay? 


Lots of guests don't feel the need to communicate with hosts around their booking. Did the second guest not communicating lead to any issues around their booking! 

What vetting questions do you ask guests to help ensure they are a good fit. 

@Hleb0  The guest cancelled after entering my property, yet she stayed the night agaimst Airbnb rules.


The second guest blatenly ignored my messages. Yes, technically, the group violated my no smoking policy on my property. 


What vetting guests should I ask?