No booking

Level 2
New York, NY

No booking

I am concerned..

6 months no bookings

something is wrong 😑 

Airbnb not supportive 

I felt I am being punished 


2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



You own 2 listings.

1 is new, so could not be booked in past months

The other has a 3,5 rating, which is below Airbnb standards


it is probably caused by rhe review of D. in februari.

Why did you not wrote a public comment on it ?


Maybe you can ask Airbnb to remove it, as IMO it violates the review policy, being:

"Profanity, name calling, and assumptions about a person’s character or personality"


Hope this helps

Level 2
New York, NY

Airbnb is not very supportive to Us..

I am plague with vandalized by guest

stolen property…. False reviews 

from a guest that never stay with us ..

yet to receive reimbursement..