Why are some listings charged the Cdn. HST tax of 15% and ot...
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Why are some listings charged the Cdn. HST tax of 15% and others charged almost nothing? ie: some charged $30.00 tax and ot...
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Ciao to everybody,
today I got 2 requests for information, but for both of them there was no sound notification on my phone.
I am using Iphone with IOS 17.1.2.
I checked settings and apparently everything is okay.
Did it happen also to you?
I called Airbnb Assistance and they told me to uninstall and reinstall the app, but before doing that I would like to have your opinion
thank you very much
I contacted Airbnb about this issue and they said that they were not aware of a problem and that they had not changed anything.I had an iPhone until this morning.I changed my phone to an android phone ( Galaxy flip Z4) because I knew that I couldn't change the sound on the iphone.I made this change of phones specially to sort this sound issue ! I'm enjoying my new phone but at the same time I'm very annoyed!!!!
Same thing here! I have an iPhone 14 and there is no place on the Airbnb app to set a notification for sounds. This is frustrating because I need to respond to guest inquiries. It makes a barely audible plop sound. Ugh! I have tried all of the suggestions, and nothing works.
Hi @Deborah1500
This has been a pain for us all! Hosts have put their heads together and come up with a way to add the previous Airbnb tone back to messages until Airbnb fixes the App. It's kinda "techy" but is working for me and alot of other Hosts. I'm posting the workaround and other thread on this for you. This will only work if you have SMS text messages ON in your Notifications on your account in Airbnb:
Previous Thread On Adding Airbnb Tone Back to Your Phone
A BIG THANK YOU to both of you! Thanks to Ben for providing the mp3 file of the Airbnb tone and thanks to @Bettye6 for suggesting to add a ringtone to the contact phone number for Airbnb Text Messages! I created my own custom ringtone using the mp3 file of the Airbnb ringtone in Garage Band and then added it to the Airbnb Contact phone number on my phone. I was finally able to add the Airbnb Tone back to the text message notifications. Yaay! Feels like way to much work when all we really need is Airbnb to add the tone back to the App. Anyhoo...this is for iPhone users (not sure about Android?)
You will need the Garage Band App on your iPhone (It's fee to download from the App store if you don't have it) and you'll be downloading the mp3 file to your Files App:
- First, download the mp3 file that Ben provided to your Files App on your phone
- Second, follow the instructions in the YouTube Video below on how to add a custom ringtone to your iPhone using Garage Band App - Start the video at 1:26 as the beginning doesn't pertain:
Whew! I was able to get it to work! You then just add the custom ringtone to the Contact Info for the Airbnb phone number that you receive text messages from. Hopefully Airbnb will just add the tone back to the App and save us all alot of headache.
Let us know here if you were able to get it to work for you!
Thank you for providing the mp3 file. I have added it through garage band as a text tone to my airbnb contact numbers ❤️
I have deleted and reinstalled and it didn't do anything.
Verizon says AIRBNB can only change the tone. And the reps seem to be clueless.
Yes...sadly the only way to add the tone back for now is to follow the garage band method work around method above. It will only work if you opted to received text messages from Airbnb. If you have turned that off in notifications, the workaround will not function unfortunately. The only way for push notifications from the App to receive the distinctive tone is for Airbnb to add that back to the App itself.
Yes, this has also happened to me. I don’t know when I have an inquiry now, very frustrating.
No, same here. 1st I have one strange notification, now nothign!
Nothing happens. I just provide Airbnb with feedback, app feedback. Try to do the same. If we are bigger group more chances to change that…
Found it!!!!!!
Step 1️⃣-> Settings
Step 2️⃣-> Notification
Step 3️⃣-> Advanced Settings
Step 4️⃣-> Scroll down to the bottom and toggle on "MANAGE NOTIFICATION CATEGORIES FOR EACH APP"
Now go back to notifications, then click on "APP NOTIFICATIONS". Then for the sake of this thread (but you can do it for all apps) click on Airbnb then scroll to the bottom and you will now see "NOTIFICATION CATEGORIES". There you will be able to change the sound for many different categories. How this helps.
Meant to say,
**hope this helps** 😊😉
Ciao @Car16896 , what version of IOS do you have? I have 17.5.1 and I don't find Advanced Settings 🤔
Omg, sorry.... 😢 These instructions are for Android. So sorry, was having the same issue and found this chat. Then I kept working at it until I found this solution for Android I don't have iPhone so so so so so so sorry🥺