I want to know where AirBnB stands with the job acceptance of cofounder Joe Gebbia with DOGE. This is the antithesis of what I thought AirBnB was all about. Jeanie Keys super host

Level 1
Richmond, VA

I want to know where AirBnB stands with the job acceptance of cofounder Joe Gebbia with DOGE. This is the antithesis of what I thought AirBnB was all about. Jeanie Keys super host

I want to know where AirBnB stands with the job acceptance of co founder Joe Gebbia with DOGE. This is the antithesis of what I value and the values I believed AirBnB stood for. Hypocritical choice. 

 Jeanie Keys

Super host 

1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

sadly Airbnb and the other founders are remaining silent on the matter @Jeanie62 you could try posting on the founders socials