Owner/Host + Co-Host Guest Messaging

Level 2
Fort Lauderdale, FL

Owner/Host + Co-Host Guest Messaging

Hi everyone, I'm currently an owner/host of my own airbnb property looking to get into STR property management or co-hosting as well. A neighbor who is getting into Airbnb asked me to co-host with him, if I'm designated as a Co-Host, are guest messages or inquiries for my own property (host) or neighbor's property (co-host) go into the same message box? Are there distinguishable markings to tell which property the message is for?


I'd also love to connect 1-on-1 with someone who is getting into co-hosting and management or is already doing it to understand how to price out fees as I'm a newbie. Thank you!

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Most cohosts charge on a commission basis. It's up to you to decide what you want to charge and what services you include . @Michael6685 


you can see which listing the messages  are for which listing in your inbox.