Pay out delays for 3 weeks

Pay out delays for 3 weeks

I am a professional hosting company and we have 50 listings to help owners manage their properties through airbnb. My account has been not had any payouts for the past 3 weeks which adds up to over 200 bookings and $90,000 outstanding... my business needs to be paid by airbnb or else I will have to lay off staff and close down the business and the owners will be upset. I have called airbnb 6 times and no escalation to date... is there a escalation line or account manager that can assist me immediately for emergencies as these.

12 Replies 12
Level 10
Placencia, Belize

If Airbnb doesn't pay us (which has never happened in 7 years) by 1 day we would be finding what is going on by the end of the day; here is 3 weeks and $90,000 and you have called them just 6 times or once every 4-5 days as if it is pocket change.  Impressive.

Fred, thanks for your feedback. Do you have an account manager that you are referral me? Any sort of help would be appreciated to expedite outstanding issue. @Airbnb 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

@Toucan0 I'm so sorry to hear about this. I've forwarded it to the payments team, hopefully we can give it a little push that way. They should be in touch with you soon and if I hear anything back in the meantime I'll let you know!



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Level 2
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Hello @Toucan0 ,


Hope all is well and your issue is resolved.


I am currently experiencing the same issue with my management company. I manage about the same and airbnb haven't paid out for 35 days and customer service can't have a clear answer.


I was wondering if your issue is resolved now? Do you have any advice for me ? I keep calling customer service and reach out to them on chat, but really seems like they can't fix it.


Your recommendations would be highly appreciated. 


Best regards, 


Daniel Drommel

Daniels Holiday Homes

@Tou0 @Daniels-Holiday-Homes0 


For us, it has been now almost 30 days since Airbnb has had my payouts on hold for over $30,000.

From September 30 up today. I have made more than 10 international calls from Aruba and spoken to 6 different Super host Ambassadors, and no one could help me. Almost 30 days no money, 30 days that Guests have slept in our rooms, apartments, and Villas, using our linen, our towels, our air-conditioning, facilities, water, and electricity. 


We also got employees to pay, and no Manager or upper Management of Airbnb has the decency to give me as a Super host a call to sort this out. My Account is Verified, and I have supplied all the required other documents. Supervisors are attending the call, but no upper management is reaching out to fix this. We have future bookings up to May 2023 already and they are playing Bank with our money. I have even emailed the CEO. But apparently AIRBNB is short on cash and is withholding payouts for the amount of debts they have and is covering their outstanding debts with our money. We are talking billions here. Check out this video on youtube and you will understand more:


Airbnb NOT paying hosts??! HOW is THIS Possible?! - YouTube

Hi, I live in Aruba and are very interested in talking to you, can you reach out to me in private? +2975642825 whatsapp

Level 2
RVK, Iceland

Hello I am not a property management company, but I am experiencing the same thing.     My payments have been blocked from the start of September. so almost 50 days now. I do not know for what ever reason. I have called Airbnb super host ambassords several times and sent several e-mails. I always get the same answers "Thanks for reaching out to us regarding this issue. I'm forwarding your inquiry to a member of our team who can better assist you. They'll be getting in touch with you soon." I have requested a call back but nothing is happening, always a dead end and every conversation thread is beeing closed saying the issue has been escalated. It is disgraceful how Airbnb is behaving. I though this company had ethics and viewed it´s hosts as partners in a business relationship. Aparently they seem to by using the system to make use of our cash flow. If anyone has some advice on how to get things moving is this regard I would highly appreciate such help.

For us the same, still no payouts. They changed their telephone system as well. Now calls are in India. Horrible experience. 

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

@Toucan0  @Martha953 @Roxanne167 


The Airbnb Payout process is automated.....there isn't some person sitting there deciding which button to push or when to push it.  The gross Airbnb booking value for 2022 Q2 was $17.0 billion! You have to appreciate the scale of Airbnb. Bookings in 2022 Q2 were up 27% year-over-year (YoY).

Payouts are a seamless transaction and automatically relate to confirmed, fulfilled reservations.

If individual host payouts have been delayed or withheld there will be a defining reason for it .....the automated payout procedure has been interrupted.....the host has changed their payout method, they have changed banks, they have in some way altered their terms of dealing with Airbnb. 

Airbnb do not withhold payouts for no reason, the payout protocol has been broken for some reason and in all instances that will involve something the host has done to trip the automated process. 


I have never not received a payout, I resent the fact that Airbnb play games with my money and delay my payouts by up to 7 working days but, I do get paid.


If you are having problems with a payout possibly the CC admin team here can help resolve it for you by fast tracking you to the right department for help but first an foremost make sure that your payout details are correct and that you not given Airbnb a reason to withhold your payout release.



Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Martha953 As Iceland is in Schengen and has other EU benefits I wonder if Airbnb requires you to fill out the latest tax info for EU countries. Just a thought.....

The problem with Airbnb is that they don ´t even have decency to provide you with information as to why payments have been blocked.  I have already submitted all my tax info to airbnb.  I have also been asked to verify my account details.  I have done so 2x with a service Ambassador on the line and also through the system.  I always get the message: "You are all set" I have verified my bank accont several times.  I call them everyday and always get the same response. "Thanks for taking the time to reach out. I'm going to forward your case to a member of our team who's in a better position to resolve this for you"  and nothing happens.  

Last Thursday I notified Airbnb I would not be able to welcome their guests since they were not paying me or giving any information as to what is the problem and when it will be solved.  Then I was promised someone from the specialized team would contact me and the issue would be solved within 24-48 hours.  Now 4 days later it is stil not solved, and we are back to square 1.  

I really can´t belive that a publicly listed company like Airbnb is operating in such a way and totally ignoring hosts in such a manner. 

Level 2
Cape Town, South Africa

Good day, I am having the same issue. Reading these posts, I see no one indicating that they got their problems resolved. Does it eventually get resolved? I have now de-listed my property to ensure I I don't get further bookings.