Potential Payment Issue With Long Term Guests

Level 3
Lilburn, GA

Potential Payment Issue With Long Term Guests


A few weeks ago my guest who is booked for a 2 month stay had an issue with their payment method and I was notified by AirBnb that they were not able to collect payment. They went on to say that if they could not collect payment AirBnb would not be responsible for the payout for the reservation.


For long term reservations, guests pay monthly according to AirBnb's long term reservation policy as I understand it. 


Ultimately the guest's payment method was resolved and payment was remitted. However, now I know that if I accept a booking for example 3 months and the guests does not pay after the first month, I will not only lose out on the money I would be expecting for that booking, but I would also have to deal with getting the guest out of my house.


This makes me not want to offer stays for longer than a month.


I raised the issue with AirBnb and I am awaiting a response.  Has anyone else experienced this?

7 Replies 7
Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



That's why I only accepts max 28 days bookings





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Level 2
Lithonia, GA

@Addie70  thanks for the info. will rethink my long term bookings

Host Advisory Board Alumni
Stuttgart, Germany

Just this week I had the same experience:
It was not the guest's fault, but the 2nd payment didn't go through the system.

Both (host and guest) had to contact the support many times until the guest received a payment link which worked today.

Level 10
Belfast, United Kingdom

I have had the same experience twice. 


Thankfully both were resovled. Othweriwse we are epcted to evict them!!!!!


Not great

Yeah....going forward I'm either to the see about having them pay the full amount up front, or either have them book 28 days at a time.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Just one of the many reasons not to accept  longer term bookings on Airbnb @Addie70 

ARGGGHHHH...... I just had this happen to me today!!!  Their "system" said that my payout wasn't until April and it is suppose to be this month!!!  Spent a long time on the phone with someone that could not help me!!