Prices for extra bed

Level 3
England, United Kingdom

Prices for extra bed

My apartment has one double bed, and a sofa bed.  On the website you can only charge extra after 2 guests, but I am finding a lot of friends, family travelling together who request a second bed on booking for two people.  Airbnb seems to assume two guests will be a couple.  It would be really good to be able to charge for the second bed if hosting two guests.  Otherwise you have to mention that in the description and then request money through the resolution centre which is rather messy and confusing for guests as the headline price will not charge extra until three or more guests. 


I hope that makes sense!  But anyone feels the same please feedback to Airbnb about it.  Linen does cost to wash and iron!  It makes hosting 2 guests needing two beds less economic, especially if you have a number of them back to back as I have had recently .  


I'd be interested to know what others think. 

40 Replies 40
Level 10
Albany, Australia

@Bronwen3@Michelle-And-Michael0@Lynette57 @Christine615 @Sarah977, I think people are missing the point. What you're saying is that when only two people book, you want to charge extra if they use both beds instead of only one bed. In my view, if your accommodation was at a budget rate, I would request an additional charge for use of the extra bed. However, it seems like your price is already quite high (forgive me if I'm wrong, I don't know what the going rate is in Camden) so, based on this, I wouldn't be too concerned if people use both beds. I would just include it as part of the overall charge.


However, if you do want to charge extra for 2 people/2 beds, then you don't have to go through the resolution centre to do so. Clearly state on your listing that there will be an additional 'linen' charge for two people who use both beds and that guests must request the extra bed before booking. Also, double check with guests when they send you a booking request or instant book whether they need one bed or two (so that you can 'make up the bed for them'). If they do want the second bed, send them a Special Offer (bear in mind that this must be done prior to booking - you can't do it once a guest has booked). Do not provide linens for the sofa bed if the guest hasn't paid for it. Slightly cumbersome I realise, but much better than going through the resolution centre as you may or may not get paid and it would appear somewhat deceptive to guests to be charged extra after the fact.

Level 3
England, United Kingdom

Thank you.  I just feel Airbnb should provide the option.  I have had 4 back to back bookings for 2 gusests using 2 beds.  I take it on the chin but would prefer the option on the pricing part of the website.  My charges are quite reasonable for Camden!  However the cost of laundering endless sheets are not! 

Level 2
England, United Kingdom

I have the same problem, if it’s just the odd occasion I don’t bother but I’ve had one after another. The final straw tonight was they requested bed linen at 10.15 at night. I woke my daughter up in her room to get to the bed linen cupboard.


air B n B needs to add this option in extra costs.

No. I have had these requests come AFTER the guest has booked! They ask if you have another bed or set of linens. 
id prefer if the guest was happy and can add an extra futon for a couple not sleeping together in the one bed but there’s nowhere to add a fee for these requests AFTER booking 
what then? There is nowhere to add an extra charge after the booking. 


@Kath9  I misunderstood  @Bronwen3 ‘s   question. If Airbnb doesn’t allow you to charge for a second person that’s a problem. It should allow her to set the charge at one person and extra for each person after to compensate for the extra wear and tear and laundry. Or charge by the beds used. . 😞


@Christine615 Airbnb does allow you to charge for an extra person. That isn't what @Bronwen3 was asking. My interpretation is that she wants to charge an additional fee for 2 people who use both beds. She would just charge the base fee for two people using the same bed as she wouldn't have to wash an extra set of bedding. Hope that makes sense!

@Kath9 I understand that. I really do. I'm responding to the fact that @Bronwen3  said Airbnb doesn't give her the option to charge one fee for a single person and a different fee for two.

But she can do that. She can set the maximum number of people in the "Listing" description setting to 2 people (or however many she wants). And then she can go to the pricing section and set the additional fee to apply to each person over a specific number. I just played with my settings as a test and it allowed me to set my "extra charges apply" in pricing to each guest over 1 person if I want to.

So she should play with the settings. But I do see her point. She wants to charge per bed, not per person and that's a weakness in the Airbnb platform that could be changed if they wanted to. I don't know how many people would use it.

But perhaps in her listing she can charge a single price for two people and give a discount if only one bed is used as a solution. That way the search engine would still show her to the right guests, but she's free to adjust the price during the booking process. (Rebate on price is always feels better than an upcharge imho).

Level 3
England, United Kingdom

Exactly what I was trying to express, thank you!  Very happy for the base price to cover 2 people in the same bed, its the cost of extra linen.  I know I can charge for it, but its not as straight forward. Many thanks. 


You are heard. I'm getting so frustrated that people aren't getting this! I also think Airbnb should provide an option to charge for additional linen if you have two guests staying and one wants to use the sofa bed. 

Yes!  And to be able to add this fee after booking is made if guest later requests the extra bed or extra linens for a sofa. 


You can send a charge after the booking, but of course, the guest can just decide to ignore the charge and not pay it. 


To send a request to pay after booking, go to the message thread with guest. On the right side is the reservation details. Choose "Send or request money."





Level 3
England, United Kingdom

Thank you!  Exactly my problem.  I can see below that some do two listings, not sure how that works as you might still face the same problem.  Thanks all for all the suggestions and understanding. 

Level 10
New South Wales, Australia


Unfortunately I have this issue and honestly, it is a real nightmare, guests ignore it and even when u claimed or mention it or made a request to pay via resolution centre, they don't pay. Even sometimes they try to hide linen they used for the sofa bed, sometimes I just gave up even though it is on my listings does not stop on daily bases guests to simply ignore it.
I found any extra payment, like a sofa bed or car park you end up having an issue
i stop renting my car space and rent to private business nearby because I was so tired of guests simply ignoring the payment even it was only 10 per day.


 So I honestly wish you good luck 



Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Bronwen3 

I travel a lot with my mother, so I always look for places with 2 beds / 2 bedrooms / bed + sofabed.

I allways tell the host that I am traveling with my mum and, because of that, we need the 2 beds made up.

Same happened last year, when we traveled in 4 people (1 couple + 2 friends). we looked for places with 3 bedrooms, told that it would be 4 people, but we needed 3 beds made.

Not once we were charged. Maybe they assumed that it would be less people having showers / etc?

If you are renting a place with 2 beds, I would assume that it is because you need the 2 beds, otherwise, I would look for a place with only 1 bed, right?


Level 2
England, United Kingdom

Not if it’s a sofa bed.