I want to charge a different rate in the peak season, is there a way that I can change the price for example a 6 week period without going into each day and amending it?
Is there somewhere I can find instructions on how to do the above? Also I have only just listed is it best to use smart pricing or not? we are in a holiday area and there is virtually no accommodation available?
@Victoria1564 I wouldn't advise using smart pricing but if you do you should set the min price at the price you want and then the max price say 20% higher.
I haven't looked at your listing but if you use pro tools (switch on from your account not listing) and then rulesets you can force high season bookings to run sat-sat or fri-fri meaning you will have fewer blank days. Just see how you get on with the tools and come back if you need more help. just tag people and they will respond (to tag just put in an @sign and people will appearfor you to click on)