Recent email from Airbnb regarding Intermediate Length Occupancy Permit in the city and county of SF

Level 2

Recent email from Airbnb regarding Intermediate Length Occupancy Permit in the city and county of SF


This question is truly specific to hosts in San Francisco, CA. Hopefully someone in SF sees this.  Eventhough this pertains to Hosts who require a 30 night minimum stay it appears this Permit is for Hosts who are airbnbing their entire unit, apt, & the like. It does not appear to pertain to someone like myself who is only airbnbing a room in a house where I also reside.  Any insight would be greatly appreciated, thanks -a!

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Montreal, Canada



Did you look to see see if your area had a local hits club that could help you with your issue.
Good luck in your research
