What hosts are saying

    How do we register our short-term stay business operating in Kuala Lumpur with DBKL? Are any Klang Valley STR operators here keen to share the steps to register their short-term stay business with the local DBKL authorities?I believe many Klang Valley op... Latest reply by Elisa
    أنا دكتورة صيدلانية إقبال أعيش بتركيا وأنا مضيفه من خمس سنوات والاستضافة بتركيا ممتازة اولا بعض القوانين الجديدة بان يكون العمل ضمن تراخيص سياحه أود أن اجد مستثمر يكون شريك معي بالمشروع أريد عمل هوستيل I am a pharmacist, Iqbal. I live in Turkey. I have b... Latest reply by Elisa
    Would you recommend hiring a local Airbnb manager to oversee an STR property management company that operates remotely? I’m in the process of building this business, and my goal is to offer my services entirely remotely. I would greatly appreciate any tho... Latest reply by Helen3
    We have not had a single booking from Airbnb since platform changes in May. It’s a cabin which was previously always booked weeks in advance. I have dropped the price and deleted photo tour (which was terrible for tiny home listings).Still no bookings thr... Latest reply by Andrea6232
    Well, it has happened. My property has been available for rent 365 days of the year, but I have had only 3 bookings this YEAR from AirBnB, so I have been denied my Superhost status. I find this to be ridiculous. History: 2020 - 25 out of 54 rentals vi... Latest reply by Marie8425
    Hi, I wanted to bring this to people's attention. I was offered a job position as a customer service/co-host. I received an email stating they reviewed my resume on Careerbuilder which sounded valid and that they were interested in me for this position. I... Latest reply by Renald11
    Hello community,I’m looking for recommendations for property management/hosting for a 3 bedroom property in the beautiful Condesa neighborhood of Mexico City, specifically located in Hipodromo. If anyone has any recommendations to share it would be greatl... Latest reply by José-Carlos50