Remote hosting/guest ratings

Level 1
Plantation, FL

Remote hosting/guest ratings

When you’re a remote host, how/when do you rate your guests? Do you just wait for the cleaners to let you know if the property was left not as expected?

1 Best Answer

Yes. I live in TX and my property is in NY state. My housekeeper goes in within 24 hours of guests' departure and lets me know the condition of the property so I can write a review. Her standards are a bit different than mine - some things that "bother" her I see as a cost of doing business, e.g., a messier kitchen than most guests leave it, not emptying the trash, etc., so I just blow those things off.

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3 Replies 3

Yes. I live in TX and my property is in NY state. My housekeeper goes in within 24 hours of guests' departure and lets me know the condition of the property so I can write a review. Her standards are a bit different than mine - some things that "bother" her I see as a cost of doing business, e.g., a messier kitchen than most guests leave it, not emptying the trash, etc., so I just blow those things off.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Susan5966, Thank you for bringing this topic to our community.


Have you had a chance to review @Debbie1192's suggestion? I’m also reaching out to our expert co-host @Joan2709 to see if she would like to share her experience.





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Hi @Susan5966 

We do the same as @Debbie1192 with the remote properties. Reviews are not written until the cleaning staff advise the Host of the condition of the property. A cleaning checklist is a good idea so both Host and cleaning team can be "on the same page" as to standards. The cleaning team does a initial inspection of the property and take photos if anything is missing or damaged. They then complete their cleaning process and advise the Host of any issues and if anything needs to be re-stocked in the supply closet. Some Hosts have the cleaners sign and date the cleaning checklist and take a photo with their phone and then text to Host.