Seeking Guidance on Subletting Regulations in Denmark for Airbnb Rental (Copenhagen)

Level 2
Copenhagen, Denmark

Seeking Guidance on Subletting Regulations in Denmark for Airbnb Rental (Copenhagen)

I would like to rent an apartment with the intention of subletting it on Airbnb here in Denmark. However, I'm unsure about the regulatory framework. Is there a specific agreement or form I should have the landlord sign to authorize subletting? Can you provide guidance on the legal aspects of subletting in Denmark?


Thank you!

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

In the UK most long term  leases have clauses preventing sub letting @Placido11 


I would presume in Denmark you would need the landlord to agree you can sublet for STR and have that written into your lease.


also check to see if there are any STR restrictions in your area. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Placido11, welcome to our Community!


Have you had the chance to read Helen's suggestion? Here is an article related to 👉responsible hosting in Denmark that could provide additional insights.


I hope this helps, and please keep us posted.



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