Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to your question. If you weren't letting before the 1st October 2022, then you can't let at all until you get a licence. Those who were operating before then can continue to operate but must apply for a licence by the end of September. A key issue for getting a licence, is getting planning permission which is currently a mandatory condition for getting a licence. Edinburgh City Council has indicated that tenement flats will not get planning permission as a default position. Thus far, few people have applied for a licence and most have been refused. The exception is where the entire block has been given over to STL.
I cannot recommend enough the Association of Scottish Self Caterers (ASSC) which has lots of useful information and contacts. They are definitely worth joining.
There will also be a Judicial Review starting in May which will consider the lawfulness of the ECC STL policy. The outcome of the review may have a significant impact on the policy going forward.
Good luck.