Short-term rentals in Winter Park, FL

Level 2
Winter Park, FL

Short-term rentals in Winter Park, FL

Hello Winter Park, FL Hosts-


We’ve been hosting in Winter Park for about a year and have just recently received a notice from the city saying we need to shut down our short-term rental. City rules require we change our listing to a 27-day minimum rental, which we just did in order to comply and not get fined. However, we are looking to fight this. 

has anyone else received this notice and had success in appealing to the city?


I called the city and they said this notice wasn’t just sent to us, but they’re cracking down and sending it to every host in Winter Park. 

I would love to get a group of us together to appeal to the city commissioners to meet us in the middle somewhere. 

AirBnB is collecting occupancy taxes that should be going to the city, so they’re making money on these listings as well as the local businesses.
These are all people that want to stay in and spend their money in our local shops and restaurants, but can’t afford the high priced ticket to stay in a local hotel. Our home offers an option to them. 

I’m interested to hear what you’ve all heard or if you’ve been able to work with the city on your listing. 

19 Replies 19

** if you are interested in class action. 


**[E-mail address removed due to safety reasons - Community Center Guidelines]

You are brave and we all stand behind you in this cause. Thank you for fighting for the neighborhood rights 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

Level 2
Winter Park, FL

Any updates on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Level 1
Orlando, FL

Hey I had to take down my Airbnb, they didn’t even give me a choice. However I do have a Karen in my neighborhood that hates me. If 27 days  is requirement to keep it up then I’ll start again. 

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Surely you checked with your local government to see if there were STR restrictions you needed to meet, in order to set up your STR business  @Jalal25 


You can't blame someone else if you chose not to comply with local STR regulations and have been asked to stop hosting as a result.


In general it's always better to get neighbours on board, it makes things much easier for all parties concerned.