Smart Pricing dropped prices during peak season.

Smart Pricing dropped prices during peak season.

I’m a new Airbnb host and have been using the smart pricing tool, which has worked well until recently. I noticed that bookings for next year have all defaulted to the minimum of my range for peak season. I accepted a guest without realizing this issue. Is there any way I can cancel the booking due to an error in Airbnb’s system?

2 Replies 2


Unfortunately, you can't cancel the reservation (without penalty). It is the Host's responsibiity to always monitor their pricing, whether using Smart Pricing or a 3rd party Dynamic Software.


Many Hosts don't use Smart Pricing (it's not very smart) for this reason (and others). It is not very good at predicting demand far out like in your case and doesn't always capture local events in the area that would necessitate an increase in price. You can always manually override a smart price on your calendar, but that means you have to actively monitor your pricing and not rely on Smart Pricing (or any 3rd party pricing software) 100%.


Smart Pricing



Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa


It's not an error - smart pricing just doesn't "see" something right now that causes it to lift the prices above the minimum.