Suddenly no more bookings for next 2 months

Suddenly no more bookings for next 2 months

We have had steady bookings for the past 2 years with most months completely full. Now we have no bookings at all, not even one. I am worried that the listing is not visible or that some setting has changed that I don't know about.  We have instant booking on and smart pricing on and good reviews and 96% response rate.


Please advise. I am really worried about this.

77 Replies 77

 I went from being booked almost 100% now it's come to a screeching halt.   I am 40 minutes away from a great ski resort, as soon as the weather cools down I'm hoping that will increase my bookings.   I'm actually enjoying the break focusing on other things for right now.   They will be back  🙂

Level 2
Amsterdam, Netherlands

I have also noticed a slow down, even though we are hosting a short time. I feel that there are several different things at play.


1. Off season, so naturally a slow down, prices have to reflect that, and I have done that

2. Airbnb is very much in the news here in the last few months, and there are hundreds of new listings each week, so competition is increasing just as the numbers of visitors are decreasing.

3. Prime locations will always fill first, so patience is needed. Hold your nerve!


Airbnb has a limitation, in so far as when there are too many accomodations available, the price and booking rate will be affected.


Colm & Paula


[link removed]


Level 2
Bayfield, CO

I had the same thing happen after a very successful summer season.  For sep and October I got plenty of views but no booking requests which is quite strange. 

Level 4
Maine, United States

Same her for my booking in Boston. My rates are competitive and I am in a prime location. I usually get booking inquiries about 2 weeks to a month in advance. My last guest leaves Sunday then I am empty. I called and asked about my listing. We searched together. I noticed that the ad descriptions no longer appear after a search. I posted a separate question about this issue. Quite strange. If everyone is experiencing a slow down, I wonder if this is an Airbnb issue. The support person said they made a change or upgrade two weeks ago which coincides with when my inquiries stopped. 

I agree with the conversation.    My views and bookings have been very slow and I live in San Francisco.   It seems like there is something going on here with the system.    Also are there any statistics for what a good view/booking ratio might be for Airbnb?

I spoke with Paul Litvak at Airbnb Open about this issue and shared with him this thread believing there are strength in numbers and realizing that I'm not the only one who has been having this serious problem.  He promised to get back with me.  As soon as I hear back, I will share what I learn with others who are experiencing this.

How was the Open? Was it worth it? Was it constructive? Thanks - 

Was blehhhh in terms of constructive sessions....  Although Lady Gaga's two song performance was a nice surprise as was a dance performance they hosted.  

Level 10
Nashville, TN

Same here in Nashville. ...and my listing did disappear for a is now back.  But lets face it there are almost double the listings on Abnb now as there were a year ago.  With all the corporate rentals  and managed multiple units, we  individual hosts are about to go the way of the Dodo.


I have even had an enquiry to rent one of my long term rentals for the company to use as an Abnb!

Level 2
Oakland, CA

I am also in Oakland and also experiencing a serious slowdown compared to last year. I think the election and the stress it has created has had a negative effect. Just a guess.

Views on my account have finally gone up and I am getting a few bookings but it is worrisome.

i do not do instant bookings as I like to have greater control on who stays in my cottage


Level 3
Oakland, CA

I am in Oakland too. I have been all over this community board to see whats up. I have never had my booking come to this kind of screeching halt. I think its because I am not using IB. Which pisses me off. Plus I declined someone last week who wanted to bring two dogs in tow. I think I get shoved to the bottom of the list when you decline. I did do smart pricing, but it has not helped. Very disturbing. I am a superhost and have been doing this for 5 years. For the last five years I have booked 275 days solid. This is crazy. Maybe just the season...

@Dodie0.   Try searching from a different computer from yours and see if your listing is there.  Mine has mysteriously disappeared twice in the last year.  If it has, tweet problem.

@Dodie0@Joe---Jade-and-Miguel0@Marie312@Trina7@Anisa0.  As long as it is sloow season, take the time to go to your fellow hosts listings and favorite them....this will increase your visibility.

Level 2
Prague, Czech Republic

Thanks for the tip Ami.

I've also noticed that the more time I have spent on the Airbnb platform the higher my visibility has been. Unsure if this is a coincidence or it is purely because December is a high season, but will have to see how January is going to be in terms of bookings.

Please explain what you mean by going to a fellow host and favoring.  Do you mean in my neighborhood.  I have had only 1 inquiry and they were looking for a "deal" and their reviews were poor so I declined them.  This is concerning!  I lowered my rates, too!