
Level 10
Austin, TX


How did I just find a listing that says it is managed by a SuperHost whose entire profile has one review??


So, they've had more than 10 stays but only one review?? I guess??

7 Replies 7
Level 10

Hi @Kelly149  It’s possible they had a listing elsewhere and closed it. Perhaps moved and opened a new one. As long as they didn’t delete the old listing completely, they can still keep their old reviews.  If you can read all their reviews from their profile instead of the one listing, that may explain it. 

Hope that helps, 


Level 10
Austin, TX

@Normen0 Nope, I wasn’t looking at the listing but their whole profile

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Kelly, do you remember all the 'hoop jumping' to get into the 'Plus' program....Superhost was just a minimum!  "All Plus hosts are Superhosts with a proven record of guest service and reliability"!


How the hell did this lot slip under the radar??


Plus reviews..png

Maybe the goalposts are different for some hosts! The only explanation I can offer Kelly!



Let me go back to my original statement. I don’t know this for a fact but it’s another guess.  Perhaps they had other listing (s) in which did well, gained their Superhost status. They sold it or no longer have use of it, they closed and removed the listing and opened another one but still maintained their Superhost status. To be honest, I would want to keep my status if I moved and still had to start over. 
Another way to find out is to ask them.  “I’m interested in your place and I see you are a Superhost, which is important to me as a guest.  But you only have two reviews. I’m confused. I’d like to know more.”  
Or I guess you have to let it go.   

Level 10
Savannah, GA

@Kelly419 You should be able to show us all the link to this profile or property that leads to the profit? Just so we can all take guesses as to what is happening not because we don't believe you of course! 

Level 10
Austin, TX

@Robin4 @Mary419 

well, as you surmised this isn't a "normal" person...

oh, and @Robin4 take a gander at the connections between the 2 reviews that do exist... ABB Shady Much??