Views and Occupancy rates dropped dramatically

Views and Occupancy rates dropped dramatically

We have hosted with AirBnB for the past 15 months so we have a decent look at seasonal fluctuations. We have three listings. We have noticed a dramatic drop in Views and Reservations. Down approximately 60%. I have studies the Availability Calendars of each competing listing in our area. Each shows a dramatic drop in reservations. Has AirBnB lost the market? Are you seeing a significant drop in the last 4 months? Parker

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Hamilton, Canada

@Parker-and-Sandy0   I have definitely noticed Airbnb trying to suggest I drop my prices. 


Last year I charged $65/night in January and this January Airbnb is suggesting I lower the price to $46!!!!!! 


So yes, there is definitely something going on. Either other hosts are lowering their prices and undervaluing their accommodations just to get bookings, or less people are booking with Airbnb (most likely from all the negative stories in the news the last few months).


Not really sure!