Want to reopen our property listings

Level 1
Gangtok, India

Want to reopen our property listings

Hello there 

Greetings from Tempo Heritage Resort and Spa Gangtok Sikkim

As we are a new management who have taken over the hotel , hence would love to work with ur firm for betterment of both the parties involved hence kindly grant us the access so that we can make some changes and make it legit for booking possibility and hosting the guest of Airbnb 

Thank you 

Property owner 


**[Contact details removed - Community Center Guidelines] - Please note that it is not allowed to advertise or share contact details on the Community Center. 

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



You can not take over an excisting account. You need to create a new account and create new listings.

Or you can temporary act as a co-host for the excisting account, to finish upcoming reservations (if any).