My name is Derriyanna, And I want to become a cleaner for ot...
My name is Derriyanna, And I want to become a cleaner for others that aren’t able to clean their homes because they are to bu...
My guests are asking about a refund for the last 2 days of their reservation because they've decided they want to go to Miami.
Can they do that? I dont really want them too, and I've already been paid. There they are not unhappy with their acommodations, they've been here 4 days already. But now they want to talk to me about a refund for leaving early because they want to take a last minute trip.
That's not really my problem, right? I mean, I turned down other guests who wanted overlapping dates for them.
Answered! Go to Top Answer
Dear @Brad9
Of course its not your duty or responsiblity to refund their money. What this guests needs to do is contact Airbnb. Let the Airbnb staff explain to them what happens when they check out early.
What you can do is two things:
1. Give the guests the Toll Free number for the Airbnb customer service if they can't find it themselves IN THEIR BOOKING EMAIL....
and let Airbnb handle this. I learned the hard way when I tried to have a mature conversation with two young people about the same thing. Eventually Airbnb handled it and everything was settled quite well. I actually have the Airbnb customer service help line number in my guests room guidebook now.
2. OR......Negotiate an amount you are comfortable returning to them via the Airbnb resolution whether it be 50 % or 20%, up to you. But under no certain terms are you required to return anything. As I tell every host on this platform, your listing is your financial business. Handle it like a business and stand strong that if they had booked with a hotel, and decided to leave early, the hotel wouldn't be refunding them either. Dont' let anyone bully you, or make you feel bad, guilty or unsympathetic. Do what makes you feel comfortable.
AND......before you post another question about their possible negative reaction within their review, I can promise you that if they leave a review complaining about you not returning any monies for those 2 nights, contact Airbnb immediately as that is a violation of the Airbnb terms and they will remove the review immediately. (Do not tell them this, I am sharing this with you as a FYI) Good Luck. And let us know how it goes.
Great way to contact Airbnb or via Twitter at AirbnbHelp / Facebook
Dear @Brad9
Of course its not your duty or responsiblity to refund their money. What this guests needs to do is contact Airbnb. Let the Airbnb staff explain to them what happens when they check out early.
What you can do is two things:
1. Give the guests the Toll Free number for the Airbnb customer service if they can't find it themselves IN THEIR BOOKING EMAIL....
and let Airbnb handle this. I learned the hard way when I tried to have a mature conversation with two young people about the same thing. Eventually Airbnb handled it and everything was settled quite well. I actually have the Airbnb customer service help line number in my guests room guidebook now.
2. OR......Negotiate an amount you are comfortable returning to them via the Airbnb resolution whether it be 50 % or 20%, up to you. But under no certain terms are you required to return anything. As I tell every host on this platform, your listing is your financial business. Handle it like a business and stand strong that if they had booked with a hotel, and decided to leave early, the hotel wouldn't be refunding them either. Dont' let anyone bully you, or make you feel bad, guilty or unsympathetic. Do what makes you feel comfortable.
AND......before you post another question about their possible negative reaction within their review, I can promise you that if they leave a review complaining about you not returning any monies for those 2 nights, contact Airbnb immediately as that is a violation of the Airbnb terms and they will remove the review immediately. (Do not tell them this, I am sharing this with you as a FYI) Good Luck. And let us know how it goes.
Great way to contact Airbnb or via Twitter at AirbnbHelp / Facebook
@Momi0 - Thank you. I'm going to direct them to the Customer Service. I dont want to play the bad guy here.
@Momi0 I am in a slightly similar situation with a guest that checked out a day early due to a violation of our house rules of NO PETS and NO UNNANOUNCED OVERNIGHT GUESTS. They paid the additional cleaning fee we sent along with the security deposit. I feel bad but at the same time it's the principal of the matter. They were dishonest and knowingly violated our rules. The reservation was for one guest, there was four ppl plus a cat in the home. Should I refund them their one night stay since they chose to check out early even though I told them they were welcome to finish out the stay WITH their unannounced guests as long as resolution was made and the cat was removed? They have not requested a refund but I want to be fair. I guess I'm just looking for an outsider's unbiased opinion.
Also-if I choose not to refund them their money, how is this a violation of Airbnb terms for reviews and how do I address it if he complains about that? Thanks for your help!
I would not offer a refund. Your calendar has been blocked for them and I don't know about you, but in my case, the chances of re-booking those dates would be nil. They could certainly contact Airbnb if they want to, but as far as I would be concerned, not my problem if they decide to alter their vacation plans.
@Clare0 - Thank you. I agree. Renting out the spare room is how I pay my rent since my roommate moved out with very little notice. I understand cancelling a whole booking last minute if something came up or requesting a refund if they were unhappy or uncomfortable... but my calendar has been blocked off, I denied other requests for those days. I dont see how I should be penalized because they decided to go to the beach last minute.
@Brad9 Stick to your guns, my friend! I wouldn't have told them to talk to Airbnb. They usually side with the guest!
I can promise you that my guests didn't get a refund when they decided after 7 days of being spoiled rotten , (they wanted to take a quick trip to Maui), that they wanted to skip out 2 days earlier and get a refund. Absolutely not! Airbnb actually told the guests they should have paid much more for getting tons of free rides everywhere, wine and Momi's marvelous mango margaritas at night under the stars, fresh laundry washed, dried and folded, scumptous breakfasts daily, and lots of Momi Love. It all worked out in the end but I can say this, Airbnb had my back and they always will. I even drink out of my Airbnb coffee mug every day that they sent me recently. Yes I drink Airbnb Love daily......haha
Great way to contact Airbnb or via Twitter at AirbnbHelp / Facebook
Dear @Brad9
What I think you meant to write back and say was..."You are absolutely right Momi, Thanks for all the great advice. Your suggestions were dead on!"
but what i got instead was "thank you Momi". And @Clare0 got 4 sentences on how right she was....yet I'm the one who took the time to write out all the good advice, helpful suggestions and how best to approach this very delicate situation. But that's ok...I know that Clare would agree that what I wrote first was absolutely dead on! HAHAHAHA (I love Clare so take this reply in a fun playful manner in which it was intended.)
I needed a laugh while i do my taxes...hence my reply here. And good Luck.
Great way to contact Airbnb or via Twitter at AirbnbHelp / Facebook