Hello fellow Airbnb community
It has come to our attention that much of parts of Airbnb's Terms of Service Policies /Help pages are written in a negative manner, that of "You should Not", " You should", "Do not".
This is not how Legislation or Laws or Rules are generally written by those who have a Legal background or as part of Legally binding documents.
The use of the words ''May and Reasonable, and / or'' are more widely used and accepted terminology.
We were shocked to read the words "You should not", no less than 16 times in one short page as follows.
- Our Community Standards – Help article
On another page we read the words ''Do Not'' at least 30 times, in fact it was probably closer to 50 times.
Perhaps fellow Hosts and other interested parties, ( ooops should we use the word 'Parties' (???) can put forth their suggestions in here to ensure a positive approach to ABB Consumers instead of recent leaning towards treating us with negativity and baddies and Babies
@Breanna @Sophia @Paula @Bhumika @Quincy @Brian @Stephanie @Tara-Bunch
We would appreciate a much more positive approach with the way Airbnb's Terms of Service/ Help pages/ Policy pages are written.
We are Adults after all not babies or children.
Thanks in advance.