airbnb favor guest who gives false accusation

Level 2
San Francisco, CA

airbnb favor guest who gives false accusation

I am superhost .A guest wants a free cancellation the day before arrival and I denied it . He then called airbnb and complaint that I said something racism to him. My listing was suspended and got a fine.  So Airbnb believe in whatever the guest said , We host are not protected at all?

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

What proof did Airbnb/the guest provide that you had made racist comments @Kenny275 

The email said that I asked for his race, I had no idea what proof provided, I called airbnb to ask about it but never got a reply  

I guessed no proof needed or the guest' s mouth is proof. Airbnb did not even call me about it, just an email saying this is a final decision, and asked me to read and agree the non discrimination policy to remove the suspension



Level 10
Balearic Islands, Spain



This is coming up a lot lately. It's all hearsay, so it's impossible to know who did or did not say what. 


But since Airbnb chooses to just call it and issue a penalty (the easiest solution for them?) then because it seems to be a pattern lately, it does suggest that it may be a tactic outlined on some of those "get free stays" blogs. 


It's not fair, but there's not much you can do other than to try to attract a better quality of guest, and screen your guests as best you can before they book. 


Good luck... Hope this gets sorted.