changing Listings/Calendar no longer monthly

Level 1
Nashville, IN

changing Listings/Calendar no longer monthly

Airbnb changed the way you can look at your bookings or change your pricing. Use to be able to do this under Listings/calendar by a monthly viewing. No longer available only weekly, which does not work for me. Makes it very difficult to view my booking and guest info, change my pricing for the months coming up. This does not work for me? Anyone else dislike these changes, plus the no notice of this being done and their other changes out of no-where??  @Mary Resolutions Team.

10 Replies 10
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Cj82  You can get to the monthly calendar view you want- in your dashboard where you see that weekly calendar view, look to the left of it in the menu. You'll see your listing title- click on the arrow next to it. Your monthy calendar will then come up.


It's ridiculous that they've hidden it with no explanation of how to access.



Hello Sarah, I kept trying what you said. I must be doing something wrong. Do I start with the main bar...  under Calendar or Listings? Thank you for your help.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Cj82 have you got pro tools?

@Mike-And-Jane0  Pro tools aren't necessary for this.


@Cj82  I'm not proficient at posting screenshots, or I would. You don't see your listing title on the menu bar to the left of the weekly calendar?


I also got to it from my listing edit page- it says "Calendar" on the upper right hand area. Clicking on that gave me the monthly view.


That's how I was doing it. I would go to Listings (on the top of the HOME page). go to the top right side, find Calendar, click on it.  And poof the whole monthly calendar would come up. That feature is no longer there. Making this now very difficult to view, book, and or change pricing. This is my problem. Help line pushed me here to this page for help....

@Cj82  this is how I see it on PC / laptop



Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Sarah977 Yes I know that you do not need pro tools BUT it does help to work out where to look if you know what page is being looked at!

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

@Cj82 @Mike-And-Jane0 

The defaut monthly calender is also available by clicking on the calender icon, a top-right of the screen, when managing a listing.





Level 1
Nashville, IN

Thank you everyone for your inputs. All of your suggestions is how I was able do look at my calendar. Airbnb changed their format in the US. Wait till it comes your way, plus I had no idea this was going to happen they just did it and said too bad. Forward my complaint to management and they sent me to Join A Conversation, instead of helping. Just passed the buck off !!!!!!!!!

Level 2
Santa Rosa, CA

@Cj82 THANK YOU! I've been struggling with this view since they changed it! Why it is hidden like that is crazy! THANKS AGAIN!!