edd debitcard

Level 1
Anaheim, CA

edd debitcard

I rented a place in lake foresf using my exd debit card and now its time to move and for some reason I'm unable to use the edd debit card. I called BofA and edd CA customer service and there's no hold on my debit card. Is there anyway arbnb can verify id so that I may use my edd debit card issued by Bank of America once again? 

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

This is a discussion forum for hosts and guests- no one here can solve a payment issue on your account. You need to get in touch with Airbnb customer service directly.


Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Jennifer2655,


Sorry to hear you're having trouble adding a new payment method to your account. As @Sarah977 pointed out, the best way for you to get help on that particular issue is to get in touch with Support.


I hope this helps 😊

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You can follow the below instruction to activate the edd card.