extended stay cleaning fee

Level 1
The Woodlands, TX

extended stay cleaning fee

I'm a new host and was hoping community could offer advice for proposed extended stay cleaning fees 28+ days  

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


There is only one cleaning fee, which is the one at start of reservation.

For long term stays it can be included in the listing price.

Long term stay guests also should do some regular cleaning themself.

(my long term stay guest do so, also making the bed, i just provide the bedlinen)

But shared spaces like bathroom etc. still need to have the attention of the Host when it comes to cleaning.

Level 4
Johnstown, CO

This has been discussed before and there were many great comments. After the first week I text the guest I will be dropping off fresh linen and towels. I ask if they would like me to change the bed and they usually decline. I then request they place the dirty linens and towel in the hamper and place at the base of the stairs. While in the area I change the trash and put the clean towels in the bath. This gives me a quick glance of the conditions. I have never had any problems with my monthly guest after starting this spot check routine.